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Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera Launches the 2025 Edition of 'Bojos per la Ciència'

by Chema Arcos

This educational programme will involve around 250 students across 15 courses. Specifically, ICN2 and IFAE will lead the 'Bojos per la Física' (Mad for Physics) course, introducing the latest advancements in this field.

The inaugural day of 'Bojos per la Ciència' 2025 (Mad for Science) took place on 10 January in Sant Fruitós de Bages, Barcelona. This ambitious initiative, promoted by the Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera, aims to inspire secondary school students by introducing them to various scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biomedicine and mathematics. Over the next six months, participants will have the opportunity to observe how scientists work and gain first-hand insight into how science helps us better understand the world and improve our daily lives.

This day served as an introduction to the various courses, allowing students to meet each other and engage with the organisers. They provided an overview of the sessions and the content of each course. The event also welcomed several alumni from the programme, who shared their varied experiences. Furthermore, Dr Carla Casadevall, an ICIQ researcher and the patron of this edition, gave a talk about her research and encouraged participants to make the most of their time in 'Bojos per la Ciència'.

Exploring the different branches of physics

The 'Bojos per la Física' 2025 course was represented by Chema Arcos and Ana de la Osa from ICN2 Marketing, Communication and Fundraising Department, and Josep Freixanet from IFAE. They all had the opportunity to talk with the participants and provide details about the upcoming sessions, which will cover several areas of physics to provide a multidisciplinary view of the discipline, including particle physics, nanotechnology, photonics, materials science, astronomy, astrophysics, electronics and microscopy.

In addition to ICN2 and IFAE, participants will be able to visit other leading research centres such as ICMABICFO and UAB, and facilities such as the ALBA Synchrotron.

Check out the complete calendar of the 'Physics' course 2025: https://www.fundaciocatalunya-lapedrera.com/en/mad-science/course/physics.