Oxide Nanophysics
Group Leader: Gustau Catalán
Group Leader
Prof. Gustau Catalán earned his degree in physics at the Universitat de Barcelona in 1997 and his PhD, also in physics, at Queen’s University of Belfast in 2001. He held research positions at the Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats in Mallorca (2002- 2004), the University of Groningen (2004-2005) and the University of Cambridge (2005-2009). In 2009, he was appointed ICREA Research Professor and joined the ICN2 as leader of the Oxide Nanophysics Group. At the ICN2, with the help of an ERC Grant, he set up one of the world’s first laboratories of flexoelectricity.
Prof. Catalan’s scientific interests cover a variety of physical properties of oxides, including ferroelectricity, metal-insulator transitions, flexoelectricity and domain wall physics, with a focus on how these properties may interact with each other or lead to emergent functionalities at reduced dimensions.
Coexistence of ferroelectric and ferrielectric phases in ultrathin antiferroelectric PbZrO3 thin films
Ying Liu; Ranming Niu; Roger Uriach; David Pesquera; José Manuel Caicedo; José Santiso; Julie M. Cairney; Xiaozhou Liao; Jordi Arbiol; Gustau Catalán Microstructures; 4 (4) 2024. 10.20517/microstructures.2024.12.
Domain wall dynamics in tungsten trioxide: Evidence for polar domain walls
Eckstein, Jack T; Yokota, Hiroko; Domingo, Neus; Catalan, Gustau; Aktas, Oktay; Carpenter, Michael A; Salje, Ekhard K H Physical Review b; 110 (9): 094107. 2024. 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.094107. IF: 3.200
Flexophotovoltaic Effect and Above-Band-Gap Photovoltage Induced by Strain Gradients in Halide Perovskites
Wang, Zhiguo; Shu, Shengwen; Wei, Xiaoyong; Liang, Renhong; Ke, Shanming; Shu, Longlong; Catalan, Gustau Physical Review Letters; 132 (8): 086902. 2024. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.086902. IF: 8.100
Metal poles around the bend
Catalan, Gustau Nature Physics; 2024. 10.1038/s41567-024-02402-6. IF: 18.100
Non-Destructive Tomographic Nanoscale Imaging of Ferroelectric Domain Walls
He, Jiali; Zahn, Manuel; Ushakov, Ivan N; Richarz, Leonie; Ludacka, Ursula; Roede, Erik D; Yan, Zewu; Bourret, Edith; Kezsmarki, Istvan; Catalan, Gustau; Meier, Dennis Advanced Functional Materials; 2024. 10.1002/adfm.202314011. IF: 18.500
Photostrictive Actuators Based on Freestanding Ferroelectric Membranes
Saptam Ganguly; David Pesquera; Daniel Moreno Garcia; Usman Saeed; Nona Mirzamohammadi; José Santiso; Jessica Padilla; José Manuel Caicedo Roque; Claire Laulhé; Felisa Berenguer; Luis Guillermo Villanueva; Gustau Catalán Advanced Materials; 2024. 10.1002/adma.202310198. IF: 27.400
Strain-gradient-induced modulation of photovoltaic efficiency
Zhiguo Wang; Haozhang Zhong; Zhiyong Liu; Xiaotian Hu; Longlong Shu; Gustau Catalán Matter; : 101930 - 101930. 2024. 10.1016/j.matt.2024.11.024. IF: 18.400
Surface polarization profile of ferroelectric thin films probed by X-ray standing waves and photoelectron spectroscopy
Hoang, Le Phuong; Spasojevic, Irena; Lee, Tien-Lin; Pesquera, David; Rossnagel, Kai; Zegenhagen, Joerg; Catalan, Gustau; Vartanyants, Ivan A; Scherz, Andreas; Mercurio, Giuseppe Scientific Reports; 14 (1): 24250. 2024. 10.1038/s41598-024-72805-1. IF: 3.800
Switchable tribology of ferroelectrics
Cho, Seongwoo; Gaponenko, Iaroslav; Cordero-Edwards, Kumara; Barcelo-Mercader, Jordi; Arias, Irene; Kim, Daeho; Lichtensteiger, Celine; Yeom, Jiwon; Musy, Loic; Kim, Hyunji; Han, Seung Min; Catalan, Gustau; Paruch, Patrycja; Hong, Seungbum Nature Communications; 15 (1): 387. 2024. 10.1038/s41467-023-44346-0. IF: 14.700
Switching Dynamics and Improved Efficiency of Free-Standing Antiferroelectric Capacitors
Saeed, Umair; Pesquera, David; Liu, Ying; Fina, Ignasi; Ganguly, Saptam; Santiso, Jose; Padilla-Pantoja, Jessica; Roque, Jose Manuel Caicedo; Liao, Xiaozhou; Catalan, Gustau Advanced Electronic Materials; 2024. 10.1002/aelm.202400102. IF: 5.300
Translational Boundaries as Incipient Ferrielectric Domains in Antiferroelectric PbZrO3
Liu, Y; Niu, RM; Majchrowski, A; Roleder, K; Cordero-Edwards, K; Cairney, JM; Arbiol, J; Catalan, G Physical Review Letters; 130 (21): 216801. 2023. 10.1103/physrevlett.130.216801. IF: 8.600
Tunable Molecular Electrodes for Bistable Polarization Screening
Spasojevic, I; Santiso, J; Caicedo, JM; Catalan, G; Domingo, N Small; 19 (30): e2207799. 2023. 10.1002/smll.202207799. IF: 13.300
Weak low-temperature polarity in a PbZrO3 single crystal
Roleder, K; Catalan, G; Glazer, AM; Baker, JS; Ko, JH; Naqvi, FH; Junaid, SB; Majchrowski, A; Trybula, Z; Zareba, J; Lazar, I; Kajewski, D; Koperski, J; Soszynski, A Physical Review b; 107 (14): L140102. 2023. 10.1103/physrevb.107.l140102. IF: 3.700
Intrinsic flexoelectricity of van der Waals epitaxial thin films
Shu L., Wang Z., Liang R., Zhang Z., Shu S., Tang C., Li F., Zheng R.-K., Ke S., Catalan G. Physical Review B; 106 (2, 024108) 2022. 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.024108.
The emancipation of flexoelectricity
Arias I., Catalan G., Sharma P. Journal of Applied Physics; 131 (2, 020401) 2022. 10.1063/5.0079319.
Deconvolution of Phonon Scattering by Ferroelectric Domain Walls and Point Defects in a PbTiO3Thin Film Deposited in a Composition-Spread Geometry
Bugallo D., Langenberg E., Ferreiro-Vila E., Smith E.H., Stefani C., Batlle X., Catalan G., Domingo N., Schlom D.G., Rivadulla F. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; 13 (38): 45679 - 45685. 2021. 10.1021/acsami.1c08758. IF: 9.229
Direct Visualization of Anti-Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics via Electrocaloric Imaging
Vales-Castro P., Vellvehi M., Perpiñà X., Caicedo J.M., Jordà X., Faye R., Roleder K., Kajewski D., Perez-Tomas A., Defay E., Catalan G. Advanced Electronic Materials; 7 (12, 2100380) 2021. 10.1002/aelm.202100380. IF: 7.295
Effect of Humidity on the Writing Speed and Domain Wall Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domains
Spasojevic I., Verdaguer A., Catalan G., Domingo N. Advanced Electronic Materials; 8 (6, 2100650) 2021. 10.1002/aelm.202100650. IF: 7.295
Mechanical reading of ferroelectric polarization
Stefani C., Langenberg E., Cordero-Edwards K., Schlom D.G., Catalan G., Domingo N. Journal of Applied Physics; 130 (7, 0059930) 2021. 10.1063/5.0059930. IF: 2.546
Metallic Diluted Dimerization in VO2 Tweeds
Sandiumenge F., Rodríguez L., Pruneda M., Magén C., Santiso J., Catalan G. Advanced Materials; 33 (9, 2004374) 2021. 10.1002/adma.202004374. IF: 30.849
Non-linear nanoscale piezoresponse of single ZnO nanowires affected by piezotronic effect
Lozano H., Catalán G., Esteve J., Domingo N., Murillo G. Nanotechnology; 32 (2, 025202) 2021. 10.1088/1361-6528/abb972. IF: 3.874
Origin of large negative electrocaloric effect in antiferroelectric PbZr O3
Vales-Castro P., Faye R., Vellvehi M., Nouchokgwe Y., Perpiñà X., Caicedo J.M., Jordà X., Roleder K., Kajewski D., Perez-Tomas A., Defay E., Catalan G. Physical Review B; 103 (5, 054112) 2021. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.054112. IF: 4.036
Piezoelectricity in nominally centrosymmetric phases
Aktas O., Kangama M., Linyu G., Catalan G., Ding X., Zunger A., Salje E.K.H. Physical Review Research; 3 (4, 043221) 2021. 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.043221. IF: 0.000
Strong strain gradients and phase coexistence at the metal-insulator transition in VO2 epitaxial films
Rodríguez L., Sandiumenge F., Frontera C., Caicedo J.M., Padilla J., Catalán G., Santiso J. Acta Materialia; 220 (117336) 2021. 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117336. IF: 8.203
Control of lateral composition distribution in graded films of soluble solid systems A1-xBx by partitioned dual-beam pulsed laser deposition
Sakai J., Roque J.M.C., Vales-Castro P., Padilla-Pantoja J., Sauthier G., Catalan G., Santiso J. Coatings; 10 (6, 540) 2020. 10.3390/COATINGS10060540. IF: 2.436
Investigation of The Cellular Response to Bone Fractures: Evidence for Flexoelectricity
Núñez-Toldrà R., Vasquez-Sancho F., Barroca N., Catalan G. Scientific Reports; 10 (1, 254) 2020. 10.1038/s41598-019-57121-3. IF: 3.998
James F. Scott (1942-2020)
Catalan G., Dawber M., Gregg M., Morrison F., Ramesh R., Zubko P. Nature materials; 19 (6): 580. 2020. 10.1038/s41563-020-0692-x. IF: 38.663
Mechanical Softness of Ferroelectric 180° Domain Walls MECHANICAL SOFTNESS of FERROELECTRIC 180 DEGREE ... STEFANI CHRISTINA et al.
Stefani C., Ponet L., Shapovalov K., Chen P., Langenberg E., Schlom D.G., Artyukhin S., Stengel M., Domingo N., Catalan G. Physical Review X; 10 (4, 041001) 2020. 10.1103/PhysRevX.10.041001. IF: 12.577
Photoflexoelectric effect in halide perovskites
Shu L., Ke S., Fei L., Huang W., Wang Z., Gong J., Jiang X., Wang L., Li F., Lei S., Rao Z., Zhou Y., Zheng R.-K., Yao X., Wang Y., Stengel M., Catalan G. Nature Materials; 19 (6): 605 - 609. 2020. 10.1038/s41563-020-0659-y. IF: 38.663
Self-Pixelation Through Fracture in VO2 Thin Films
Laura Rodríguez, Elena del Corro, Michele Conroy, Kalani Moore, Felip Sandiumenge, Neus Domingo, José Santiso, Gustau Catalan Acs Applied Electronic Materials; 2 (5): 1433 - 1439. 2020. 10.1021/acsaelm.0c00199. IF: 0.000
Strain-Engineered Ferroelastic Structures in PbTiO3 Films and Their Control by Electric Fields
Langenberg E., Paik H., Smith E.H., Nair H.P., Hanke I., Ganschow S., Catalan G., Domingo N., Schlom D.G. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; 12 (18): 20691 - 20703. 2020. 10.1021/acsami.0c04381. IF: 8.758
Temperature-independent giant dielectric response in transitional BaTiO3 thin films
Everhardt A.S., Denneulin T., Grünebohm A., Shao Y.-T., Ondrejkovic P., Zhou S., Domingo N., Catalan G., Hlinka J., Zuo J.-M., Matzen S., Noheda B. Applied Physics Reviews; 7 (1, 011402) 2020. 10.1063/1.5122954. IF: 17.054
Converse flexoelectricity yields large piezoresponse force microscopy signals in non-piezoelectric materials
Abdollahi A., Domingo N., Arias I., Catalan G. Nature Communications; 10 (1, 1266) 2019. 10.1038/s41467-019-09266-y. IF: 11.878
Disentangling Highly Asymmetric Magnetoelectric Effects in Engineered Multiferroic Heterostructures
Menéndez E., Sireus V., Quintana A., Fina I., Casals B., Cichelero R., Kataja M., Stengel M., Herranz G., Catalán G., Baró M.D., Suriñach S., Sort J. Physical Review Applied; 12 (1, 014041) 2019. 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.12.014041. IF: 4.532
Ferroelectric Domain Walls in PbTiO3 Are Effective Regulators of Heat Flow at Room Temperature
Langenberg E., Saha D., Holtz M.E., Wang J.-J., Bugallo D., Ferreiro-Vila E., Paik H., Hanke I., Ganschow S., Muller D.A., Chen L.-Q., Catalan G., Domingo N., Malen J., Schlom D.G., Rivadulla F. Nano Letters; 19 (11): 7901 - 7907. 2019. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b02991. IF: 12.279
Flexoelectric Fracture-Ratchet Effect in Ferroelectrics
Cordero-Edwards K., Kianirad H., Canalias C., Sort J., Catalan G. Physical Review Letters; 122 (13, 135502) 2019. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.135502. IF: 9.227
Giant bulk photovoltaic effect in solar cell architectures with ultra-wide bandgap Ga2O3 transparent conducting electrodes
Pérez-Tomás A., Chikoidze E., Dumont Y., Jennings M.R., Russell S.O., Vales-Castro P., Catalan G., Lira-Cantú M., Ton –That C., Teherani F.H., Sandana V.E., Bove P., Rogers D.J. Materials Today Energy; 14 (100350) 2019. 10.1016/j.mtener.2019.100350. IF: 0.000
Periodicity-Doubling Cascades: Direct Observation in Ferroelastic Materials
Everhardt A.S., Damerio S., Zorn J.A., Zhou S., Domingo N., Catalan G., Salje E.K.H., Chen L.-Q., Noheda B. Physical Review Letters; 123 (8, 087603) 2019. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.087603. IF: 9.227
Surface polarization feels the heat
Gustau Catalan, Beatriz Noheda Nature; 575 (7784): 600 - 602. 2019. 10.1038/d41586-019-03494-4.
Vehicle Classification System Based on Ferroelectric Materials
Fina I., Martí X., Catalan G. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, ISAF 2019 - Proceedings; (9034960) 2019. 10.1109/ISAF43169.2019.9034960.
A Solar Transistor and Photoferroelectric Memory
Pérez-Tomás A., Lima A., Billon Q., Shirley I., Catalan G., Lira-Cantú M. Advanced Functional Materials; 28 (17, 1707099) 2018. 10.1002/adfm.201707099. IF: 13.325
Flexoelectricity in antiferroelectrics
Vales-Castro P., Roleder K., Zhao L., Li J.-F., Kajewski D., Catalan G. Applied Physics Letters; 113 (13, 132903) 2018. 10.1063/1.5044724. IF: 3.495
Flexoelectricity in Bones
Vasquez-Sancho F., Abdollahi A., Damjanovic D., Catalan G. Advanced Materials; 30 (9, 1705316) 2018. 10.1002/adma.201705316. IF: 21.950
Flexoelectricity in Bones (vol 30, 1705316, 2018)
Vasquez-Sancho, Fabian; Abdollahi, Amir; Damjanovic, Dragan; Catalan, Gustau; Advanced Materials; 30 (21): e1801413. 2018. 10.1002/adma.201801413. IF: 21.950
Piezoelectric Mimicry of Flexoelectricity
Abdollahi A., Vásquez-Sancho F., Catalan G. Physical Review Letters; 121 (20, 205502) 2018. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.205502. IF: 8.839
Domain wall magnetoresistance in BiFeO3 thin films measured by scanning probe microscopy
Domingo N., Farokhipoor S., Santiso J., Noheda B., Catalan G. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 29 (33, 334003) 2017. 10.1088/1361-648X/aa7a24. IF: 2.678
Ferroelectrics as Smart Mechanical Materials
Cordero-Edwards K., Domingo N., Abdollahi A., Sort J., Catalan G. Advanced Materials; 29 (37, 1702210) 2017. 10.1002/adma.201702210. IF: 19.791
On the persistence of polar domains in ultrathin ferroelectric capacitors
Zubko P., Lu H., Bark C.-W., Martí X., Santiso J., Eom C.-B., Catalan G., Gruverman A. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 29 (28, 284001) 2017. 10.1088/1361-648X/aa73c3. IF: 2.678
The profile of researchers moving towards scientific entrepreneurship
Marti X., Fina I., Catalan G., Veà A. Supporting University Ventures in Nanotechnology, Biomaterials and Magnetic Sensing Applications: Pol; : 143 - 157. 2017. 10.1007/978-3-319-61237-9_7.
A flexoelectric microelectromechanical system on silicon
Bhaskar U.K., Banerjee N., Abdollahi A., Wang Z., Schlom D.G., Rijnders G., Catalan G. Nature Nanotechnology; 11 (3): 263 - 266. 2016. 10.1038/nnano.2015.260. IF: 35.267
Above-Bandgap Photovoltages in Antiferroelectrics
Pérez-Tomás A., Lira-Cantú M., Catalan G. Advanced Materials; 28 (43): 9644 - 9647. 2016. 10.1002/adma.201603176. IF: 18.960
Enhanced flexoelectric-like response in oxide semiconductors
Narvaez J., Vasquez-Sancho F., Catalan G. Nature; 538 (7624): 219 - 221. 2016. 10.1038/nature19761. IF: 38.138
Ferroelectric Domain Structures in Low-Strain BaTiO3
Everhardt A.S., Matzen S., Domingo N., Catalan G., Noheda B. Advanced Electronic Materials; 2 (1, 1500214) 2016. 10.1002/aelm.201500214. IF: 0.000
Flexoelectric MEMS: Towards an electromechanical strain diode
Bhaskar U.K., Banerjee N., Abdollahi A., Solanas E., Rijnders G., Catalan G. Nanoscale; 8 (3): 1293 - 1298. 2016. 10.1039/c5nr06514c. IF: 7.760
Dielectric relaxation in YMnO3 single crystals
Adem U., Mufti N., Nugroho A.A., Catalan G., Noheda B., Palstra T.T.M. Journal of Alloys and Compounds; 638: 228 - 232. 2015. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.02.207. IF: 2.999
Ferroelectrics: Negative capacitance detected
Catalan G., Jimenez D., Gruverman A. Nature Materials; 14 (2): 137 - 139. 2015. 10.1038/nmat4195. IF: 36.503
Fracture toughening and toughness asymmetry induced by flexoelectricity
Abdollahi A., Peco C., Millán D., Arroyo M., Catalan G., Arias I. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 92 (9, 094101) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.094101. IF: 3.736
Giant reversible nanoscale piezoresistance at room temperature in Sr2IrO4 thin films
Domingo N., López-Mir L., Paradinas M., Holy V., Železný J., Yi D., Suresha S.J., Liu J., Rayan Serrao C., Ramesh R., Ocal C., Martí X., Catalan G. Nanoscale; 7 (8): 3453 - 3459. 2015. 10.1039/c4nr06954d. IF: 7.394
Large Flexoelectric Anisotropy in Paraelectric Barium Titanate
Narvaez J., Saremi S., Hong J., Stengel M., Catalan G. Physical Review Letters; 115 (3, 037601) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.037601. IF: 7.512
Mechanical tuning of LaAlO
3 /SrTiO3 interface conductivitySharma P., Ryu S., Burton J.D., Paudel T.R., Bark C.W., Huang Z., Ariando, Tsymbal E.Y., Catalan G., Eom C.B., Gruverman A. Nano Letters; 15 (5): 3547 - 3551. 2015. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01021. IF: 13.592
Nanomechanics of flexoelectric switching
Očenášek J., Lu H., Bark C.W., Eom C.B., Alcalá J., Catalan G., Gruverman A. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 92 (3, 035417) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.035417. IF: 3.736
Nanoscale conductive pattern of the homoepitaxial AlGaN/GaN transistor
Pérez-Tomás A., Catalàn G., Fontserè A., Iglesias V., Chen H., Gammon P.M., Jennings M.R., Thomas M., Fisher C.A., Sharma Y.K., Placidi M., Chmielowska M., Chenot S., Porti M., Nafría M., Cordier Y. Nanotechnology; 26 (11, 115203) 2015. 10.1088/0957-4484/26/11/115203. IF: 3.821
Persistence of ferroelectricity above the Curie temperature at the surface of Pb(Z n1/3 N b2/3) O3-12%PbTi O3
Domingo N., Bagués N., Santiso J., Catalan G. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 91 (9, 094111) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.094111. IF: 3.736
Origin of the enhanced flexoelectricity of relaxor ferroelectrics
Narvaez, J.; Catalan, G. Applied Physics Letters; 104 (16) 2014. 10.1063/1.4871686. IF: 3.515
Physics of Ferroic and Multiferroic Domain Walls
Catalan G. Springer Series in Materials Science; 198: 225 - 247. 2014. 10.1007/978-3-642-55375-2_9.
Flexoelectric effect in solids
Zubko, P.; Catalan, G.; Tagantsev, A.K. Annual Review of Materials Research; 43: 387 - 421. 2013. 10.1146/annurev-matsci-071312-121634. IF: 16.179
Local properties of the surface layer(s) of BiFeO3 single crystals
Domingo, N.; Narvaez, J.; Alexe, M.; Catalan, G. Journal of Applied Physics; 113 2013. 10.1063/1.4801974. IF: 2.210
Thickness scaling of ferroelastic domains in PbTiO3 films on DyScO3
Nesterov, O.; Matzen, S.; Magen, C.; Vlooswijk, A.H.G.; Catalan, G.; Noheda, B. Applied Physics Letters; 103 2013. 10.1063/1.4823536. IF: 3.794
Domain wall nanoelectronics
Catalan, G.; Seidel, J.; Ramesh, R.; Scott, J.F. Reviews of Modern Physics; 84: 119 - 156. 2012. 10.1103/RevModPhys.84.119.
Elastic and anelastic relaxations in the relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3: I. Strain analysis and a static order parameter
Carpenter, M.A.; Bryson, J.F.J.; Catalan, G.; Howard, C.J. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 24 2012. 10.1088/0953-8984/24/4/045901.
Elastic and anelastic relaxations in the relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3: II. Strainorder parameter coupling and dynamic softening mechanisms
Carpenter, M.A.; Bryson, J.F.J.; Catalan, G.; Zhang, S.J.; Donnelly, N.J. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 24 2012. 10.1088/0953-8984/24/4/045902.
Magnetotransport at domain walls in BiFeO 3
He, Q.; Yeh, C.-H.; Yang, J.-C.; Singh-Bhalla, G.; Liang, C.-W.; Chiu, P.-W.; Catalan, G.; Martin, L.W.; Chu, Y.-H.; Scott, J.F.; Ramesh, R. Physical Review Letters; 108 2012. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.067203.
Mechanical Writing of Ferroelectric Polarization
Lu, H. ; Bark, C.W.; Esque de los Ojos, D.; Alcala, J. ; Eom, C. B.; Catalan, G. ; Gruverman, A. SCIENCE; 336 (6077): 59 - 61. 2012. DOI: 10.1126/science.1218693.
Structural, spectroscopic, magnetic and electrical characterization of Ca-doped polycrystalline bismuth ferrite, Bi 1xCa xFeO 3x/2 (x0.1)
Sardar, K.; Hong, J.; Catalan, G.; Biswas, P.K.; Lees, M.R.; Walton, R.I.; Scott, J.F.; Redfern, S.A.T. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 24 2012. 10.1088/0953-8984/24/4/045905.
Surface phase transitions in BiFeO 3 below room temperature
Jarrier, R.; Marti, X.; Herrero-Albillos, J.; Ferrer, P.; Haumont, R.; Gemeiner, P.; Geneste, G.; Berthet, P.; Schülli, T.; Cevc, P.; Blinc, R.; Wong, S.S.; Park, T.-J.; Alexe, M.; Carpenter, M.A.; Scott, J.F.; Catalan, G.; Dkhil, B. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 85 2012. 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.184104.
Flexoelectric rotation of polarization in ferroelectric thin films.
Catalan, G. ; Lubk, A.; Vlooswijk, A. H. G.; Snoeck, E.; Magen, C. ; Janssens, A.; Rispens, G.; Rijnders, G.; Blank, D. H. A.; Noheda, B. Nature Materials; 10: 963. 2011. .
Skin layer of BiFeO3 single crystals
Martí, X.; Ferrer, P.; Herrero-Albillos, J.; Narvaez, J.; Holy, V.; Barrett, N.; Alexe, M.; Catalan, G. Physical Review Letters; 106 2011. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.236101.
Comment on "Nanometer resolution piezoresponse force microscopy to study deep submicron ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains" [Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 162903 (2009)]----NO ES ARTICULO
Vlooswijk, A.H.G.; Catalan, G.; Noheda, B. Applied Physics Letters; 97 2010. 10.1063/1.3467005.
Electric-field control of the metal-insulator transition in ultrathin NdNiO3 films
Scherwitzl, R.; Zubko, P.; Lezama, I.G.; Ono, S.; Morpurgo, A.F.; Catalan, G.; Triscone, J.-M. Advanced Materials; 22: 5517 - 5520. 2010. 10.1002/adma.201003241.
Landau theory of domain wall magnetoelectricity
Daraktchiev, M.; Catalan, G.; Scott, J.F. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 81 2010. 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.224118.
Neutron diffraction study of the BiFeO3 spin cycloid at low temperature
Herrero-Albillos, J.; Catalan, G.; Rodriguez-Velamazan, J.A.; Viret, M.; Colson, D.; Scott, J.F. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 22: 256001 - 256005. 2010. 10.1088/0953-8984/22/25/256001.
The β-to-γ transition in BiFeO 3: A powder neutron diffraction study
Arnold, D.C.; Knight, K.S.; Catalan, G.; Redfern, S.A.T.; Scott, J.F.; Lightfoot, P.; Morrison, F.D. Advanced Functional Materials; 20: 2116 - 2123. 2010. 10.1002/adfm.201000118.
The flexoelectricity of barium and strontium titanates from first principles
Hong, J.; Catalan, G.; Scott, J.F.; Artacho, E. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 22 2010. 10.1088/0953-8984/22/11/112201.
Domains in Ferroelectric Nanodots
A. Schilling; D. Byrne; G. Catalan; K. G. Webber; Y. A. Genenko; G. S. Wu; J. F. Scott; J. M. Gregg Nano Letters; 9: 3359. 2009. .
Effect of chemical substitution on the Néel temperature of multiferroic Bi1¿xCaxFeO3
G. Catalan; K. Sardar; N. S. Church; J. F. Scott; R. J. Harrison; S. A. T. Redfern Physical Review B; 79: 212415. 2009. 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.212415.
Effect of wall thickness on the ferroelastic domain size of BaTiO3
G. Catalan; I. Lukyanchuk; A. Schilling; J. M. Gregg; J. F. Scott Journal of Materials Science; 44: 5307. 2009. 10.1007/s10853-009-3554-0.
Elastic and electrical anomalies at low-temperature phase transitions in BiFeO3
S. A. T. Redfern; Can Wang; J. W. Hong; G. Catalan; J. F. Scott Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 20: 452205. 2009. 10.1088/0953-8984/20/45/452205.
Epitaxial TbMnO3 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates: a structural study
C. J. M. Daumont; D. Mannix; S. Venkatesan; G. Catalan; D. Rubi; B. J. Kooi; J. Th. M. De Hosson; B. Noheda Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 21: 182001. 2009. 10.1088/0953-8984/21/18/182001.
Origin of ferroelastic domains in free-standing single-crystal ferroelectric films
I. A. Luk¿yanchuk; A. Schilling; J.M. Gregg; G. Catalan; J.F. Scott Physical Review B; 79: 144111. 2009. 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.144111.
Physics and applications of BiFeO3
G. Catalan; J. F. Scott Advanced Materials; 21: 2463 - 2485. 2009. 10.1002/adma.200802849.
Conduction at domain walls in oxide multiferroics
J. Seidel; L. W. Martin; Q. He; Q. Zhan; Y.-H. Chu; A. Rother; M. E. Hawkridge; P. Maksymovych; P. Yu; M. Gajek; N. Balke; S. V. Kalinin; S. Gemming; H. Lichte; F. Wang; G. Catalan; J. F. Scott; N. A. Spaldin; J. Orenstein; R. Ramesh Nature Materials; 8: 229 - 234. 2008. 10.1038/nmat2373.
Conformal oxide coating of carbon nanotubes
S. Kawasaki; G. Catalan; H. J. Fan; M. M. Saad; J. M. Gregg; M. A. Correa-Duarte; J. Rybczynski; F. D. Morrison; T. Tatsuta; O. Tsuji; and J. F. Scott Applied Physics Letters; 92 (5): 53109. 2008. 10.1063/1.2841710.
Fractal walls and domain size scaling in thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3
G. Catalan; H. Béa; S. Fusil; M. Bibes; P. Paruch; A. Barthélémy; and J. F. Scott Physical Review Letters; 100: 27602. 2008. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.027602.
Landau Theory of Multiferroic Domain Walls
M. Daraktchiev; G. Catalan; J. F. Scott Ferroelectrics; 375: 122 - 131. 2008. 10.1080/00150190802437969.
Progress in perovskite nickelate research
G. Catalan Phase Transitions; 81: 729. 2008. 10.1080/01411590801992463.
ß phase and ¿-ß metal-insulator transition in multiferroic BiFeO3
R. Palai; R. S. Katiyar; H. Schmid; P. Tissot; S. J. Clark; J. Robertson; S. A. Redfern; G. Catalan; J. F. Scott Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 77: 14110. 2008. 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.014110.
Solution-process coating of vertical ZnO nanowires with ferroelectrics
S. Kawasaki; H. J. Fan; G. Catalan; F. D. Morrison; T. Tatsuta; O. Tsuji; J. F Scott Nanotechnology; 19: 375302. 2008. 10.1088/0957-4484/19/37/375302.