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David Saleta Reig
Doctoral Student
Ultrafast Dynamics in Nanoscale Systems
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3189-2331
Microscopic understanding of the in-plane thermal transport properties of 2H transition metal dichalcogenides
Roberta Farris; Olle Hellman; Zeila Zanolli; David Saleta Reig; Sebin Varghese; Pablo Ordejón; Klaas‐Jan Tielrooij; Matthieu J. Verstraete Physical Review. B./Physical Review. b; 109 (12) 2024. 10.1103/physrevb.109.125422.
Terahertz-to-Visible Light Conversion in Graphene Metamaterials Controlled by Electrostatic Gate
Igor Ilyakov; A. N. Ponomaryov; David Saleta Reig; Connor Murphy; Jake D. Mehew; Thales V. A. G. de Oliveira; Gulloo Lal Prajapati; Ammar Arshad; Jan‐Christoph Deinert; Monica F. Craciun; Saverio Russo; Sergey Kovalev; Klaas‐Jan Tielrooij Journal Of The Institute Of Electronics, Information And Communication Engineers; : 1 - 2. 2024. 10.1109/irmmw-thz60956.2024.10697761.
A pre-time-zero spatiotemporal microscopy technique for the ultrasensitive determination of the thermal diffusivity of thin films
Varghese, S; Mehew, JD; Block, A; Reig, DS; Wozniak, P; Farris, R; Zanolli, Z; Ordejon, P; Verstraete, MJ; van Hulst, NF; Tielrooij, KJ Review Of Scientific Instruments; 94 (3): 34903. 2023. 10.1063/5.0102855. IF: 1.600
Efficient terahertz harmonic generation in topological metamaterials
Kovalev, S; Tielrooij, K; Ilyakov, I; Deinert, JC; de Oliveira, T; Ponomaryov, O; Principi, A; Reig, D; Block, A; Varghese, S; Schreyeck, S; Brunner, K; Karczewski, G; Carbonell, C; Valenzuela, S; Molenkamp, L; Kiessling, T; Astakhov, GV International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves, Irmmw-Thz; 2023. 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10298895.
Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Free-Standing Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks
Mehew, JD; Timmermans, MY; Reig, DS; Sergeant, S; Sledzinska, M; Chávez-Angel, E; Gallagher, E; Torres, CMS; Huyghebaert, C; Tielrooij, KJ Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces; 15 (44): 51876 - 51884. 2023. 10.1021/acsami.3c09210. IF: 9.500
Terahertz nonlinear photonics based on the ultrafast thermodynamics of quantum materials
Tielrooij, KJ; Principi, A; Reig, DS; Varghese, S; Astakhov, G; Kovalev, S International Conference On Infrared, Millimeter, And Terahertz Waves, Irmmw-Thz; 2023. 10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10298868.
Ultrafast Tunable Terahertz-to-Visible Light Conversion through Thermal Radiation from Graphene Metamaterials
Ilyakov, I; Ponomaryov, A; Reig, DS; Murphy, C; Mehew, JD; de Oliveira, TVAG; Prajapati, GL; Arshad, A; Deinert, JC; Craciun, MF; Russo, S; Kovalev, S; Tielrooij, KJ Nano Letters; 23 (9): 3872 - 3878. 2023. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00507. IF: 10.800
Milliwatt terahertz harmonic generation from topological insulator metamaterials
Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan; Principi, Alessandro; Reig, David Saleta; Block, Alexander; Varghese, Sebin; Schreyeck, Steffen; Brunner, Karl; Karczewski, Grzegorz; Ilyakov, Igor; Ponomaryov, Oleksiy; de Oliveira, Thales V A G; Chen, Min; Deinert, Jan-Christoph; Carbonell, Carmen Gomez; Valenzuela, Sergio O; Molenkamp, Laurens W; Kiessling, Tobias; Astakhov, Georgy, V; Kovalev, Sergey Light-Science & Applications; 11 (1): 315. 2022. 10.1038/s41377-022-01008-y. IF: 20.257
Unraveling Heat Transport and Dissipation in Suspended MoSe2 from Bulk to Monolayer
Saleta Reig D., Varghese S., Farris R., Block A., Mehew J.D., Hellman O., Woźniak P., Sledzinska M., El Sachat A., Chávez-Ángel E., Valenzuela S.O., van Hulst N.F., Ordejón P., Zanolli Z., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Verstraete M.J., Tielrooij K.-J. Advanced Materials; 34 (10, 2108352) 2022. 10.1002/adma.202108352. IF: 30.849
Understanding heat flow in layered transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) crystals is crucial for applications exploiting these materials. Despite significant efforts, several basic thermal transport properties of TMDs are currently not well understood, in particular how transport is affected by material thickness and the material's environment. This combined experimental–theoretical study establishes a unifying physical picture of the intrinsic lattice thermal conductivity of the representative TMD MoSe2. Thermal conductivity measurements using Raman thermometry on a large set of clean, crystalline, suspended crystals with systematically varied thickness are combined with ab initio simulations with phonons at finite temperature. The results show that phonon dispersions and lifetimes change strongly with thickness, yet the thinnest TMD films exhibit an in-plane thermal conductivity that is only marginally smaller than that of bulk crystals. This is the result of compensating phonon contributions, in particular heat-carrying modes around ≈0.1 THz in (sub)nanometer thin films, with a surprisingly long mean free path of several micrometers. This behavior arises directly from the layered nature of the material. Furthermore, out-of-plane heat dissipation to air molecules is remarkably efficient, in particular for the thinnest crystals, increasing the apparent thermal conductivity of monolayer MoSe2 by an order of magnitude. These results are crucial for the design of (flexible) TMD-based (opto-)electronic applications. © 2022 The Authors. Advanced Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Electrical tunability of terahertz nonlinearity in graphene
Kovalev S., Hafez H.A., Tielrooij K.-J., Deinert J.-C., Ilyakov I., Awari N., Alcaraz D., Soundarapandian K., Saleta D., Germanskiy S., Chen M., Bawatna M., Green B., Koppens F.H.L., Mittendorff M., Bonn M., Gensch M., Turchinovich D. Science Advances; 7 (15, eabf9809) 2021. 10.1126/SCIADV.ABF9809. IF: 14.143
Graphene is conceivably the most nonlinear optoelectronic material we know. Its nonlinear optical coefficients in the terahertz frequency range surpass those of other materials by many orders of magnitude. Here, we show that the terahertz nonlinearity of graphene, both for ultrashort single-cycle and quasi-monochromatic multicycle input terahertz signals, can be efficiently controlled using electrical gating, with gating voltages as low as a few volts. For example, optimal electrical gating enhances the power conversion efficiency in terahertz third-harmonic generation in graphene by about two orders of magnitude. Our experimental results are in quantitative agreement with a physical model of the graphene nonlinearity, describing the time-dependent thermodynamic balance maintained within the electronic population of graphene during interaction with ultrafast electric fields. Our results can serve as a basis for straightforward and accurate design of devices and applications for efficient electronic signal processing in graphene at ultrahigh frequencies. © 2021 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY).
Fabrication and characterization of large-area suspended MoSe2 crystals down to the monolayer
Varghese S., Reig D.S., Mehew J.D., Block A., El Sachat A., Chávez-Ángel E., Sledzinska M., Ballesteros B., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Tielrooij K.-J. JPhys Materials; 4 (4, 046001) 2021. 10.1088/2515-7639/ac2060. IF: 0.000
Many layered materials, such as graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, can be exfoliated down to atomic or molecular monolayers. These materials exhibit exciting material properties that can be exploited for several promising device concepts. Thinner materials lead to an increased surface-to-volume ratio, with mono- and bi-layers being basically pure surfaces. Thin crystals containing more than two layers also often behave as an all-surface material, depending on the physical property of interest. As a result, flakes of layered materials are typically highly sensitive to their environment, which is undesirable for a broad range of studies and potential devices. Material systems based on suspended flakes overcome this issue, yet often require complex fabrication procedures. Here, we demonstrate the relatively straightforward fabrication of exfoliated MoSe2 flakes down to the monolayer, suspended over unprecedentedly large holes with a diameter of 15 µm. We describe our fabrication methods in detail, present characterization measurements of the fabricated structures, and, finally, exploit these suspended flakes for accurate optical absorption measurements. © 2021 The Author(s).
Thickness-Dependent Elastic Softening of Few-Layer Free-Standing MoSe2
Babacic V., Saleta Reig D., Varghese S., Vasileiadis T., Coy E., Tielrooij K.-J., Graczykowski B. Advanced Materials; 33 (23, 2008614) 2021. 10.1002/adma.202008614. IF: 30.849
Few-layer van der Waals (vdW) materials have been extensively investigated in terms of their exceptional electronic, optoelectronic, optical, and thermal properties. Simultaneously, a complete evaluation of their mechanical properties remains an undeniable challenge due to the small lateral sizes of samples and the limitations of experimental tools. In particular, there is no systematic experimental study providing unambiguous evidence on whether the reduction of vdW thickness down to few layers results in elastic softening or stiffening with respect to the bulk. In this work, micro-Brillouin light scattering is employed to investigate the anisotropic elastic properties of single-crystal free-standing 2H-MoSe2 as a function of thickness, down to three molecular layers. The so-called elastic size effect, that is, significant and systematic elastic softening of the material with decreasing numbers of layers is reported. In addition, this approach allows for a complete mechanical examination of few-layer membranes, that is, their elasticity, residual stress, and thickness, which can be easily extended to other vdW materials. The presented results shed new light on the ongoing debate on the elastic size-effect and are relevant for performance and durability of implementation of vdW materials as resonators, optoelectronic, and thermoelectric devices. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH