Staff directory Aron William Cummings



  • Robust quantum engineering of current flow in carbon nanostructures at room temperature

    Calogero, Gaetano; Alcon, Isaac; Kaya, Onurcan; Papior, Nick; Cummings, Aron W; Brandbyge, Mads; Roche, Stephan Carbon; 234: 119950. 2025. 10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119950.


  • Giant spin transport anisotropy in magnetic topological insulators

    Vila, Marc; Cummings, Aron W; Roche, Stephan Physical Review b; 109 (19): 195435. 2024. 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.195435. IF: 3.200

  • Resilient intraparticle entanglement and its manifestation in spin dynamics of disordered Dirac materials

    Romeral, Jorge Martinez; Cummings, Aron W; Roche, Stephan Physical Review b; 109 (17): 174313. 2024. 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.174313. IF: 3.200

  • Tailoring giant quantum transport anisotropy in nanoporous graphenes under electrostatic disorder

    Alcon, Isaac; Cummings, Aron W; Roche, Stephan Nanoscale Horizons; 9 (3) 2024. 10.1039/d3nh00416c. IF: 8.000

  • Twisting Between Topological Phases in 1D Conjugated Polymers via a Multiradical Transition State

    Alcon, Isaac; Canonico, Luis Manuel; Papior, Nick; Garcia, Jose-Hugo; Cummings, Aron W; Tremblay, Jean-Christophe; Pruneda, Miguel; Brandbyge, Mads; Paulus, Beate; Roche, Stephan Advanced Functional Materials; 2024. 10.1002/adfm.202409174. IF: 18.500

  • Ultrafast Charge and Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer Films of 9-Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons

    Varghese, Sebin; Mehew, Jake Dudley; Wang, Hai I; Wuttke, Michael; Zhou, Yazhou; Muellen, Klaus; Narita, Akimitsu; Cummings, Aron W; Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan Advanced Materials; 2024. 10.1002/adma.202407796. IF: 27.400


  • Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations in CVD-grown Graphene Rings

    Tang, Zitao; Chen, Siwei; Sakar, Abdus Salam; Osuala, Cynthia; Strauf, Stefan; Hader, Grzegorz; Chou, Tsengming; Cummings, Aron; Qu, Chunlei; Yang, Eui-Hyeok Proceedings Of The Ieee Conference On Nanotechnology; : 65 - 68. 2023. 10.1109/NANO58406.2023.10231188.

  • Observations of Aharonov-Bohm Conductance Oscillations in CVD-Grown Graphene Rings at 4K

    Tang, ZT; Chen, SW; Osuala, CI; Sarkar, AS; Hader, G; Cummings, A; Strauf, S; Qu, CL; Yang, EH Ieee Open Journal Of Nanotechnology; 4: 208 - 214. 2023. 10.1109/OJNANO.2023.3331974. IF: 1.700


  • Unveiling the Multiradical Character of the Biphenylene Network and Its Anisotropic Charge Transport

    Alcón I., Calogero G., Papior N., Antidormi A., Song K., Cummings A.W., Brandbyge M., Roche S. Journal of the American Chemical Society; 2022. 10.1021/jacs.2c02178.

    Recent progress in the on-surface synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials is facilitating the realization of new carbon allotropes, such as nanoporous graphenes, graphynes, and 2D π-conjugated polymers. One of the latest examples is the biphenylene network (BPN), which was recently fabricated on gold and characterized with atomic precision. This gapless 2D organic material presents uncommon metallic conduction, which could help develop innovative carbon-based electronics. Here, using first principles calculations and quantum transport simulations, we provide new insights into some fundamental properties of BPN, which are key for its further technological exploitation. We predict that BPN hosts an unprecedented spin-polarized multiradical ground state, which has important implications for the chemical reactivity of the 2D material under practical use conditions. The associated electronic band gap is highly sensitive to perturbations, as seen in finite temperature (300 K) molecular dynamics simulations, but the multiradical character remains stable. Furthermore, BPN is found to host in-plane anisotropic (spin-polarized) electrical transport, rooted in its intrinsic structural features, which suggests potential device functionality of interest for both nanoelectronics and spintronics. © 2022 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.


  • All-carbon approach to inducing electrical and optical anisotropy in graphene

    Antidormi A., Cummings A.W. AIP Advances; 11 (11, 115007) 2021. 10.1063/5.0062521. IF: 1.548

    Owing to its array of unique properties, graphene is a promising material for a wide variety of applications. Being two-dimensional, the properties of graphene are also easily tuned via proximity to other materials. In this work, we investigate the possibility of inducing electrical and optical anisotropy in graphene by interfacing it with other anisotropic carbon systems, including nanoporous graphene and arrays of graphene nanoribbons. We find that such materials do indeed induce such anisotropy in graphene while also preserving the unique properties offered by graphene's Dirac band structure, namely, its superior charge transport and long-wavelength optical absorption. The optical anisotropy makes such heterostructures interesting for their use in applications related to long-wavelength polarimetry, while the electrical anisotropy may be valuable for enhancing the performance of graphene photothermoelectric detectors. © 2021 Author(s).

  • Graphene on two-dimensional hexagonal BN, AlN, and GaN: Electronic, spin-orbit, and spin relaxation properties

    Zollner K., Cummings A.W., Roche S., Fabian J. Physical Review B; 103 (7, 075129) 2021. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.075129. IF: 4.036

    We investigate the electronic band structure of graphene on a series of two-dimensional hexagonal nitride insulators hXN, X=B, Al, and Ga, with first-principles calculations. A symmetry-based model Hamiltonian is employed to extract orbital parameters and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) from the low-energy Dirac bands of the proximitized graphene. While commensurate hBN induces a staggered potential of about 10 meV into the Dirac band structure, less lattice-matched hAlN and hGaN disrupt the Dirac point much less, giving a staggered gap below 100 μeV. Proximitized intrinsic SOC surprisingly does not increase much above the pristine graphene value of 12 μeV; it stays in the window of 1-16 μeV, depending strongly on stacking. However, Rashba SOC increases sharply when increasing the atomic number of the boron group, with calculated maximal values of 8, 15, and 65 μeV for B-, Al-, and Ga-based nitrides, respectively. The individual Rashba couplings also depend strongly on stacking, vanishing in symmetrically sandwiched structures, and can be tuned by a transverse electric field. The extracted spin-orbit parameters were used as input for spin transport simulations based on Chebyshev expansion of the time-evolution of the spin expectation values, yielding interesting predictions for the electron spin relaxation. Spin lifetime magnitudes and anisotropies depend strongly on the specific (hXN)/graphene/hXN system, and they can be efficiently tuned by an applied external electric field as well as the carrier density in the graphene layer. A particularly interesting case for experiments is graphene/hGaN, in which the giant Rashba coupling is predicted to induce spin lifetimes of 1-10 ns, short enough to dominate over other mechanisms, and lead to the same spin relaxation anisotropy as that observed in conventional semiconductor heterostructures: 50%, meaning that out-of-plane spins relax twice as fast as in-plane spins. © 2021 American Physical Society.

  • Linear scaling quantum transport methodologies

    Fan Z., Garcia J.H., Cummings A.W., Barrios-Vargas J.E., Panhans M., Harju A., Ortmann F., Roche S. Physics Reports; 903: 1 - 69. 2021. 10.1016/j.physrep.2020.12.001. IF: 25.600

    In recent years, predictive computational modeling has become a cornerstone for the study of fundamental electronic, optical, and thermal properties in complex forms of condensed matter, including Dirac and topological materials. The simulation of quantum transport in realistic models calls for the development of linear scaling, or order-N, numerical methods, which then become enabling tools for guiding experimental research and for supporting the interpretation of measurements. In this review, we describe and compare different order-N computational methods that have been developed during the past twenty years, and which have been used extensively to explore quantum transport phenomena in disordered media. We place particular focus on the zero-frequency electrical conductivities derived within the Kubo–Greenwood​ and Kubo–Streda formalisms, and illustrate the capabilities of these methods to tackle the quasi-ballistic, diffusive, and localization regimes of quantum transport in the noninteracting limit. The fundamental issue of computational cost versus accuracy of various proposed numerical schemes is addressed in depth. We then illustrate the usefulness of these methods with various examples of transport in disordered materials, such as polycrystalline and defected graphene models, 3D metals and Dirac semimetals, carbon nanotubes, and organic semiconductors. Finally, we extend the review to the study of spin dynamics and topological transport, for which efficient approaches for calculating charge, spin, and valley Hall conductivities are described. © 2020 The Author(s)

  • Observation of giant and tunable thermal diffusivity of a Dirac fluid at room temperature

    Block A., Principi A., Hesp N.C.H., Cummings A.W., Liebel M., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Roche S., Koppens F.H.L., van Hulst N.F., Tielrooij K.-J. Nature Nanotechnology; 16 (11): 1195 - 1200. 2021. 10.1038/s41565-021-00957-6. IF: 39.213

    Conducting materials typically exhibit either diffusive or ballistic charge transport. When electron–electron interactions dominate, a hydrodynamic regime with viscous charge flow emerges1–13. More stringent conditions eventually yield a quantum-critical Dirac-fluid regime, where electronic heat can flow more efficiently than charge14–22. However, observing and controlling the flow of electronic heat in the hydrodynamic regime at room temperature has so far remained elusive. Here we observe heat transport in graphene in the diffusive and hydrodynamic regimes, and report a controllable transition to the Dirac-fluid regime at room temperature, using carrier temperature and carrier density as control knobs. We introduce the technique of spatiotemporal thermoelectric microscopy with femtosecond temporal and nanometre spatial resolution, which allows for tracking electronic heat spreading. In the diffusive regime, we find a thermal diffusivity of roughly 2,000 cm2 s−1, consistent with charge transport. Moreover, within the hydrodynamic time window before momentum relaxation, we observe heat spreading corresponding to a giant diffusivity up to 70,000 cm2 s−1, indicative of a Dirac fluid. Our results offer the possibility of further exploration of these interesting physical phenomena and their potential applications in nanoscale thermal management. © 2021, The Author(s).

  • Optimizing the Photothermoelectric Effect in Graphene

    Antidormi A., Cummings A.W. Physical Review Applied; 15 (5, 054049) 2021. 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.15.054049. IF: 4.985

    Among its many uses, graphene shows significant promise for optical and optoelectronic applications. In particular, devices based on the photothermoelectric effect (PTE) in graphene can offer a strong and fast photoresponse with a high signal-to-noise ratio while consuming minimal power. In this work, we discuss how to optimize the performance of graphene PTE photodetectors by tuning the light confinement, device geometry, and material quality. This study should prove useful for the design of devices using the PTE in graphene, with applications including optical sensing, data communications, multigas sensing, and others. © 2021 American Physical Society.


  • Emergence of intraparticle entanglement and time-varying violation of Bell's inequality in Dirac matter

    De Moraes B.G., Cummings A.W., Roche S. Physical Review B; 102 (4, 041403) 2020. 10.1103/PhysRevB.102.041403. IF: 3.575

    We demonstrate the emergence and dynamics of intraparticle entanglement in massless Dirac fermions. This entanglement, generated by spin-orbit coupling, arises between the spin and sublattice pseudospin of electrons in graphene. The entanglement is a complex dynamic quantity but is generally large, independent of the initial state. Its time dependence implies a dynamical violation of a Bell inequality, while its magnitude indicates that large intraparticle entanglement is a general feature of graphene on a substrate. These features are also expected to impact entanglement between pairs of particles, and may be detectable in experiments that combine Cooper pair splitting with nonlocal measurements of spin-spin correlation in mesoscopic devices based on Dirac materials. © 2020 American Physical Society.

  • Magnetic proximity in a van der Waals heterostructure of magnetic insulator and graphene

    Karpiak B., Cummings A.W., Zollner K., Vila M., Khokhriakov D., Hoque A.M., Dankert A., Svedlindh P., Fabian J., Roche S., Dash S.P. 2D Materials; 7 (1, 015026) 2020. 10.1088/2053-1583/ab5915. IF: 7.140

    Engineering 2D material heterostructures by combining the best of different materials in one ultimate unit can offer a plethora of opportunities in condensed matter physics. Here, in the van der Waals heterostructures of the ferromagnetic insulator Cr2Ge2Te6 and graphene, our observations indicate an out-of-plane proximity-induced ferromagnetic exchange interaction in graphene. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Cr2Ge2Te6 results in significant modification of the spin transport and precession in graphene, which can be ascribed to the proximity-induced exchange interaction. Furthermore, the observation of a larger lifetime for perpendicular spins in comparison to the in-plane counterpart suggests the creation of a proximity-induced anisotropic spin texture in graphene. Our experimental results and density functional theory calculations open up opportunities for the realization of proximity-induced magnetic interactions and spin filters in 2D material heterostructures and can form the basic building blocks for future spintronic and topological quantum devices. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  • Nonlocal Spin Dynamics in the Crossover from Diffusive to Ballistic Transport

    Vila M., Garcia J.H., Cummings A.W., Power S.R., Groth C.W., Waintal X., Roche S. Physical Review Letters; 124 (19, 196602) 2020. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.196602. IF: 8.385

    Improved fabrication techniques have enabled the possibility of ballistic transport and unprecedented spin manipulation in ultraclean graphene devices. Spin transport in graphene is typically probed in a nonlocal spin valve and is analyzed using spin diffusion theory, but this theory is not necessarily applicable when charge transport becomes ballistic or when the spin diffusion length is exceptionally long. Here, we study these regimes by performing quantum simulations of graphene nonlocal spin valves. We find that conventional spin diffusion theory fails to capture the crossover to the ballistic regime as well as the limit of long spin diffusion length. We show that the latter can be described by an extension of the current theoretical framework. Finally, by covering the whole range of spin dynamics, our study opens a new perspective to predict and scrutinize spin transport in graphene and other two-dimensional material-based ultraclean devices. © 2020 American Physical Society.


  • Universal Spin Diffusion Length in Polycrystalline Graphene

    Cummings A.W., Dubois S.M.-M., Charlier J.-C., Roche S. Nano Letters; 19 (10): 7418 - 7426. 2019. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b03112. IF: 12.279

    Graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is the most promising material for industrial-scale applications based on graphene monolayers. It also holds promise for spintronics; despite being polycrystalline, spin transport in CVD graphene has been measured over lengths up to 30 μm, which is on par with the best measurements made in single-crystal graphene. These results suggest that grain boundaries (GBs) in CVD graphene, while impeding charge transport, may have little effect on spin transport. However, to date very little is known about the true impact of disordered networks of GBs on spin relaxation. Here, by using first-principles simulations, we derive an effective tight-binding model of graphene GBs in the presence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC), which we then use to evaluate spin transport in realistic morphologies of polycrystalline graphene. The spin diffusion length is found to be independent of the grain size, and it is determined only by the strength of the substrate-induced SOC. This result is consistent with the D'yakonov-Perel' mechanism of spin relaxation in the diffusive regime, but we find that it also holds in the presence of quantum interference. These results clarify the role played by GBs and demonstrate that the average grain size does not dictate the upper limit for spin transport in CVD-grown graphene, a result of fundamental importance for optimizing large-scale graphene-based spintronic devices. Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society.


  • 1D ferromagnetic edge contacts to 2D graphene/h-BN heterostructures

    Karpiak B., Dankert A., Cummings A.W., Power S.R., Roche S., Dash S.P. 2D Materials; 5 (1, 014001) 2018. 10.1088/2053-1583/aa8d2b. IF: 7.042

    We report the fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) ferromagnetic edge contacts to two-dimensional (2D) graphene/h-BN heterostructures. While aiming to study spin injection/detection with 1D edge contacts, a spurious magnetoresistance signal was observed, which is found to originate from the local Hall effect in graphene due to fringe fields from ferromagnetic edge contacts and in the presence of charge current spreading in the nonlocal measurement configuration. Such behavior has been confirmed by the absence of a Hanle signal and gate-dependent magnetoresistance measurements that reveal a change in sign of the signal for the electron- and hole-doped regimes, which is in contrast to the expected behavior of the spin signal. Calculations show that the contact-induced fringe fields are typically on the order of hundreds of mT, but can be reduced below 100 mT with careful optimization of the contact geometry. There may be an additional contribution from magnetoresistance effects due to tunneling anisotropy in the contacts, which needs further investigation. These studies are useful for optimization of spin injection and detection in 2D material heterostructures through 1D edge contacts. © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd.

  • Large spin relaxation anisotropy and valley-Zeeman spin-orbit coupling in WSe2 /graphene/ h -BN heterostructures

    Zihlmann S., Cummings A.W., Garcia J.H., Kedves M., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Schönenberger C., Makk P. Physical Review B; 97 (7, 075434) 2018. 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.075434. IF: 3.813

    Large spin-orbital proximity effects have been predicted in graphene interfaced with a transition-metal dichalcogenide layer. Whereas clear evidence for an enhanced spin-orbit coupling has been found at large carrier densities, the type of spin-orbit coupling and its relaxation mechanism remained unknown. We show an increased spin-orbit coupling close to the charge neutrality point in graphene, where topological states are expected to appear. Single-layer graphene encapsulated between the transition-metal dichalcogenide WSe2 and h-BN is found to exhibit exceptional quality with mobilities as high as 1×105 cm2 V-1 s-1. At the same time clear weak antilocalization indicates strong spin-orbit coupling, and a large spin relaxation anisotropy due to the presence of a dominating symmetric spin-orbit coupling is found. Doping-dependent measurements show that the spin relaxation of the in-plane spins is largely dominated by a valley-Zeeman spin-orbit coupling and that the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling plays a minor role in spin relaxation. The strong spin-valley coupling opens new possibilities in exploring spin and valley degree of freedom in graphene with the realization of new concepts in spin manipulation. © 2018 American Physical Society.

  • Proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene/ Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 heterostructures

    Jafarpisheh S., Cummings A.W., Watanabe K., Taniguchi T., Beschoten B., Stampfer C. Physical Review B; 98 (24) 2018. 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.241402. IF: 3.813

    The weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene can be greatly enhanced by proximity coupling. Here, we report on the proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene transferred by hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) onto the topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 (BSTS) which was grown on a hBN substrate by vapor solid synthesis. Phase coherent transport measurements, revealing weak localization, allow us to extract the carrier density-dependent phase coherence length lφ. While lφ increases with increasing carrier density in the hBN/graphene/hBN reference sample, it decreases in graphene/BSTS due to the proximity coupling of BSTS to graphene. The latter behavior results from D'yakonov-Perel'-type spin scattering in graphene with a large proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling strength of at least 2.5 meV. © 2018 American Physical Society.

  • Spin Proximity Effects in Graphene/Topological Insulator Heterostructures

    Song K., Soriano D., Cummings A.W., Robles R., Ordejón P., Roche S. Nano Letters; 18 (3): 2033 - 2039. 2018. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b05482. IF: 12.080

    Enhancing the spin-orbit interaction in graphene, via proximity effects with topological insulators, could create a novel 2D system that combines nontrivial spin textures with high electron mobility. To engineer practical spintronics applications with such graphene/topological insulator (Gr/TI) heterostructures, an understanding of the hybrid spin-dependent properties is essential. However, to date, despite the large number of experimental studies on Gr/TI heterostructures reporting a great variety of remarkable (spin) transport phenomena, little is known about the true nature of the spin texture of the interface states as well as their role on the measured properties. Here, we use ab initio simulations and tight-binding models to determine the precise spin texture of electronic states in graphene interfaced with a Bi2Se3 topological insulator. Our calculations predict the emergence of a giant spin lifetime anisotropy in the graphene layer, which should be a measurable hallmark of spin transport in Gr/TI heterostructures and suggest novel types of spin devices. © 2018 American Chemical Society.

  • Spin transport in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures

    Garcia J.H., Vila M., Cummings A.W., Roche S. Chemical Society Reviews; 47 (9): 3359 - 3379. 2018. 10.1039/c7cs00864c. IF: 40.182

    Since its discovery, graphene has been a promising material for spintronics: its low spin-orbit coupling, negligible hyperfine interaction, and high electron mobility are obvious advantages for transporting spin information over long distances. However, such outstanding transport properties also limit the capability to engineer active spintronics, where strong spin-orbit coupling is crucial for creating and manipulating spin currents. To this end, transition metal dichalcogenides, which have larger spin-orbit coupling and good interface matching, appear to be highly complementary materials for enhancing the spin-dependent features of graphene while maintaining its superior charge transport properties. In this review, we present the theoretical framework and the experiments performed to detect and characterize the spin-orbit coupling and spin currents in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures. Specifically, we will concentrate on recent measurements of Hanle precession, weak antilocalization and the spin Hall effect, and provide a comprehensive theoretical description of the interconnection between these phenomena. © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

  • Tailoring emergent spin phenomena in Dirac material heterostructures

    Khokhriakov D., Cummings A.W., Song K., Vila M., Karpiak B., Dankert A., Roche S., Dash S.P. Science Advances; 4 (9, aat9349) 2018. 10.1126/sciadv.aat9349. IF: 11.511

    Dirac materials such as graphene and topological insulators (TIs) are known to have unique electronic and spintronic properties. We combine graphene with TIs in van der Waals heterostructures to demonstrate the emergence of a strong proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene. By performing spin transport and precession measurements supported by ab initio simulations, we discover a strong tunability and suppression of the spin signal and spin lifetime due to the hybridization of graphene and TI electronic bands. The enhanced spin-orbit coupling strength is estimated to be nearly an order of magnitude higher than in pristine graphene. These findings in graphene-TI heterostructures could open interesting opportunities for exploring exotic physical phenomena and new device functionalities governed by topological proximity effects. Copyright © 2018 The Authors.