Staff directory Anukriti Pokhriyal



  • Hybrid Materials: A Metareview

    Gomez-Romero, Pedro; Pokhriyal, Anukriti; Rueda-Garcia, Daniel; Bengoa, Leandro N; Gonzalez-Gil, Rosa M Chemistry Of Materials; 36 (1): 8 - 27. 2024. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01878. IF: 7.200


  • Nanostructured Thick Electrode Strategies toward Enhanced Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces

    Pokhriyal, A; Gonzalez-Gil, RMN; Bengoa, LNM; Gomez-Romero, P Materials (Basel); 16 (9): 3439. 2023. 10.3390/ma16093439. IF: 3.400

  • To flow or not to flow. A perspective on large-scale stationary electrochemical energy storage

    Pokhriyal, A; Rueda-García, D; Gómez-Romero, P Sustainable Energy & Fuels; 7 (23): 5473 - 5482. 2023. 10.1039/d3se00955f. IF: 5.600


  • Impact of Battery Energy System Integration in Frequency Control of an Electrical Grid with Wind Power

    Pokhriyal, Anukriti; Luis Dominguez-Garcia, Jose; Gomez-Romero, Pedro Clean Technologies; 4 (4): 972 - 986. 2022. 10.3390/cleantechnol4040060.