Theory and Simulation
Group Leader: Pablo Ordejón
Group Leader
Prof. Pablo Ordejón earned his degree in physics (1987) and his PhD in science (1992) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) from 1992 to 1995 and as assistant professor at the Universidad de Oviedo from 1995 to 1999. In 1999, he obtained a research staff position at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). In 2007 he moved to the former CIN2 (now ICN2) as the leader of the Theory and Simulation Group, where he is currently a CSIC Research Professor. Since July 2012 he has served as Director of the ICN2.
He has published more than 225 scientific articles, which have received over 34,000 citations (h-index of 63). He was co- editor of EPL (formerly Euro Physics Letters) from 2010 to 2015, and is member of the Editorial Boards of the Physica Status Solidi journals since 2004 and Nanomaterials since 2018.
He oversaw the Condensed Matter Physics subject area of the Physics Panel of the Spanish National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP) from 2003 to 2006, and was the head of the Physics and Engineering Panel of the Access Committee to the Spanish Supercomputing Network from 2005 to 2011. He became a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2005, and received the Narcís Monturiol medal from the Catalan Government in 2018.
His research is focused on the development of efficient methods for electronic structure calculations in large and complex systems, with contributions to the development of techniques for large-scale atomistic simulations based on first-principles methods such as SIESTA. He has also been involved in the study of the fundamental properties of materials at the atomistic level. His current interests include electronic transport in nanoscale devices and electronic processes at surfaces and 2D materials, among many others. He maintains frequent collaborations with industrial laboratories on the simulation of material processes at the atomic level. He is a co-founder of the spinoff company SIMUNE.
Charge density waves and electron-hole instabilities of the hidden-nesting materials P4W12O44, γ- and η-Mo4O11
Bogdan Guster; Miguel Pruneda; Pablo Ordejón; Enric Cañadell; Jean‐Paul Pouget Physical Review. B./Physical Review. b; 110 (9) 2024. 10.1103/physrevb.110.094103.
Density functional Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory for superconductors implemented in the SIESTA code
Reho, R; Wittemeier, N; Kole, A H; Ordejon, P; Zanolli, Z Physical Review b; 110 (13): 134505. 2024. 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.134505. IF: 3.200
Inhibitory behaviour and adsorption stability of benzothiazole derivatives as corrosion inhibitors towards galvanised steel
Deng, QS; Castillo-Robles, JM; Martins, ED; Ordejon, P; Gorges, JN; Eiden, P; Chen, XB; Keil, P; Cole, I Molecular Systems Design & Engineering; 9 (1): 29 - 45. 2024. 10.1039/d3me00153a. IF: 3.200
Microscopic understanding of the in-plane thermal transport properties of 2H transition metal dichalcogenides
Roberta Farris; Olle Hellman; Zeila Zanolli; David Saleta Reig; Sebin Varghese; Pablo Ordejón; Klaas‐Jan Tielrooij; Matthieu J. Verstraete Physical Review. B./Physical Review. b; 109 (12) 2024. 10.1103/physrevb.109.125422.
Molecular modeling applied to corrosion inhibition: a critical review
Castillo-Robles, Jose Maria; Martins, Ernane de Freitas; Ordejon, Pablo; Cole, Ivan Npj Materials Degradation; 8 (1): 72. 2024. 10.1038/s41529-024-00478-2. IF: 6.600
A pre-time-zero spatiotemporal microscopy technique for the ultrasensitive determination of the thermal diffusivity of thin films
Varghese, S; Mehew, JD; Block, A; Reig, DS; Wozniak, P; Farris, R; Zanolli, Z; Ordejon, P; Verstraete, MJ; van Hulst, NF; Tielrooij, KJ Review Of Scientific Instruments; 94 (3): 34903. 2023. 10.1063/5.0102855. IF: 1.600
Device-to-Materials Pathway for Electron Traps Detection in Amorphous GeSe-Based Selectors
Slassi, A; Medondjio, LS; Padovani, A; Tavanti, F; He, X; Clima, S; Garbin, D; Kaczer, B; Larcher, L; Ordejon, P; Calzolari, A Advanced Electronic Materials; 9 (4) 2023. 10.1002/aelm.202201224. IF: 6.200
Independent and coherent transitions between antiferromagnetic states of few-molecule systems
Besson, C; Stegmann, P; Schnee, M; Zanolli, Z; Achilli, S; Wittemeier, N; Vierck, A; Frielinghaus, R; Kögerler, P; Maultzsch, J; Ordejón, P; Schneider, CM; Hucht, A; König, J; Meyer, C Physical Review b; 107 (24): 245414. 2023. 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.245414. IF: 3.700
Modular implementation of the linear- and cubic-scaling orbital minimization methods in electronic structure codes using atomic orbitals
Lebedeva, IV; Garcia, A; Artacho, E; Ordejon, P Royal Society Open Science; 10 (4): 230063. 2023. 10.1098/rsos.230063. IF: 3.500
Atomically Sharp Lateral Superlattice Heterojunctions Built-In Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Graphene
Tenorio M., Moreno C., Febrer P., Castro-Esteban J., Ordejón P., Peña D., Pruneda M., Mugarza A. Advanced Materials; 34 (20, 2110099) 2022. 10.1002/adma.202110099. IF: 30.849
Author Correction: The elphbolt ab initio solver for the coupled electron-phonon Boltzmann transport equations
Nakib H. Protik; Chunhua Li; Miguel Pruneda; David Broido; Pablo Ordejón Npj Computational Materials; 8 (1) 2022. 10.1038/s41524-022-00746-2. IF: 12.256
Colossal phonon drag enhanced thermopower in lightly doped diamond
Li C., Protik N.H., Ordejón P., Broido D. Materials Today Physics; 27 (100740) 2022. 10.1016/j.mtphys.2022.100740.
Competition between Ta-Ta and Te-Te bonding leading to the commensurate charge density wave in TaTe4
Guster B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Canadell E. Physical Review B; 105 (6, 064107) 2022. 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.064107. IF: 4.036
Electrical control of spin-polarized topological currents in monolayer WTe2
Garcia, Jose H; You, Jinxuan; Garcia-Mota, Monica; Koval, Peter; Ordejon, Pablo; Cuadrado, Ramon; Verstraete, Matthieu J; Zanolli, Zeila; Roche, Stephan Physical Review b; 106 (16): L161410. 2022. 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.L161410. IF: 3.908
Interference effects in one-dimensional moiré crystals
Wittemeier N., Verstraete M.J., Ordejón P., Zanolli Z. Carbon; 186: 416 - 422. 2022. 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.10.028. IF: 9.594
Magnetic properties of coordination clusters with {Mn4} and {Co4} antiferromagnetic cores
Achilli S., Besson C., He X., Ordejón P., Meyer C., Zanolli Z. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 24 (6): 3780 - 3787. 2022. 10.1039/d1cp03904k. IF: 3.676
Manipulation of spin transport in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers upon twisting
Pezo A., Zanolli Z., Wittemeier N., Ordejón P., Fazzio A., Roche S., Garcia J.H. 2D Materials; 9 (1, 015008) 2022. 10.1088/2053-1583/ac3378. IF: 7.103
The elphbolt ab initio solver for the coupled electron-phonon Boltzmann transport equations
Protik N.H., Li C., Pruneda M., Broido D., Ordejón P. npj Computational Materials; 8 (1, 28) 2022. 10.1038/s41524-022-00710-0. IF: 12.241
Tuning the topological band gap of bismuthene with silicon-based substrates
Wittemeier N., Ordejón P., Zanolli Z. JPhys Materials; 5 (3, 035002) 2022. 10.1088/2515-7639/ac84ad.
Unraveling Heat Transport and Dissipation in Suspended MoSe2 from Bulk to Monolayer
Saleta Reig D., Varghese S., Farris R., Block A., Mehew J.D., Hellman O., Woźniak P., Sledzinska M., El Sachat A., Chávez-Ángel E., Valenzuela S.O., van Hulst N.F., Ordejón P., Zanolli Z., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Verstraete M.J., Tielrooij K.-J. Advanced Materials; 34 (10, 2108352) 2022. 10.1002/adma.202108352. IF: 30.849
Basic aspects of the charge density wave instability of transition metal trichalcogenides NbSe3and monoclinic-TaS3
Guster B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Canadell E., Pouget J.-P. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 33 (48, 485401) 2021. 10.1088/1361-648X/ac238a. IF: 2.333
Validity of the on-site spin-orbit coupling approximation
Cuadrado R., Robles R., García A., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Ferrer J., Cerdá J.I. Physical Review B; 104 (19, 195104) 2021. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.195104. IF: 4.036
Anion ordering transition and Fermi surface electron-hole instabilities in the (TMTSF)2ClO4and (TMTSF)2NO3Bechgaard salts analyzed through the first-principles Lindhard response function
Guster B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Canadell E., Pouget J.-P. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 33 (8, 085705) 2020. 10.1088/1361-648X/abc406. IF: 2.705
Fermi surface electron-hole instability of the (TMTSF)2PF6 Bechgaard salt revealed by the first-principles Lindhard response function
Guster B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Canadell E., Pouget J.-P. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 32 (34, 345701) 2020. 10.1088/1361-648X/ab8522. IF: 2.707
Siesta: Recent developments and applications
García A., Papior N., Akhtar A., Artacho E., Blum V., Bosoni E., Brandimarte P., Brandbyge M., Cerdá J.I., Corsetti F., Cuadrado R., Dikan V., Ferrer J., Gale J., García-Fernández P., García-Suárez V.M., García S., Huhs G., Illera S., Korytár R., Koval P., Lebedeva I., Lin L., López-Tarifa P., Mayo S.G., Mohr S., Ordejón P., Postnikov A., Pouillon Y., Pruneda M., Robles R., Sánchez-Portal D., Soler J.M., Ullah R., Yu V.W.-Z., Junquera J. The Journal of chemical physics; 152 (20): 204108. 2020. 10.1063/5.0005077. IF: 2.991
2 × 2 charge density wave in single-layer TiTe2
Guster B., Robles R., Pruneda M., Canadell E., Ordejón P. 2D Materials; 6 (1, 015027) 2019. 10.1088/2053-1583/aaf20b. IF: 7.343
Coexistence of Elastic Modulations in the Charge Density Wave State of 2 H-NbSe 2
Guster B., Rubio-Verdú C., Robles R., Zaldívar J., Dreher P., Pruneda M., Silva-Guillén J.Á., Choi D.-J., Pascual J.I., Ugeda M.M., Ordejón P., Canadell E. Nano Letters; 19 (5): 3027 - 3032. 2019. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b00268. IF: 12.279
Evidence for the weak coupling scenario of the Peierls transition in the blue bronze
Guster B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Canadell E., Pouget J.-P. Physical Review Materials; 3 (5, 055001) 2019. 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.055001. IF: 2.926
Addressing the Environment Electrostatic Effect on Ballistic Electron Transport in Large Systems: A QM/MM-NEGF Approach
Feliciano G.T., Sanz-Navarro C., Coutinho-Neto M.D., Ordejón P., Scheicher R.H., Rocha A.R. Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 122 (2): 485 - 492. 2018. 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b03475. IF: 3.146
First principles analysis of the CDW instability of single-layer 1T-TiSe2 and its evolution with charge carrier density
Guster B., Canadell E., Pruneda M., Ordejón P. 2D Materials; 5 (2, 025024) 2018. 10.1088/2053-1583/aab568. IF: 7.042
Implementation of non-collinear spin-constrained DFT calculations in SIESTA with a fully relativistic Hamiltonian
R. Cuadrado, M. Pruneda, A. García, P. Ordejón Journal of Physics: Materials; 1 (1) 2018. 10.1088/2515-7639/aae7db.
Mechanisms behind the enhancement of thermal properties of graphene nanofluids
Rodríguez-Laguna M.R., Castro-Alvarez A., Sledzinska M., Maire J., Costanzo F., Ensing B., Pruneda M., Ordejón P., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Gómez-Romero P., Chávez-Ángel E. Nanoscale; 10 (32): 15402 - 15409. 2018. 10.1039/c8nr02762e. IF: 7.233
Optical and electronic properties of 2H−MoS2 under pressure: Revealing the spin-polarized nature of bulk electronic bands
Mauro Brotons-Gisbert, Alfredo Segura, Roberto Robles, Enric Canadell, Pablo Ordejón, and Juan F. Sánchez-Royo Physical Review Materials; 2 (5): 54602. 2018. 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.054602. IF: 0.000
Spin Proximity Effects in Graphene/Topological Insulator Heterostructures
Song K., Soriano D., Cummings A.W., Robles R., Ordejón P., Roche S. Nano Letters; 18 (3): 2033 - 2039. 2018. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b05482. IF: 12.080
Spin-Crossover in an Exfoliated 2D Coordination Polymer and Its Implementation in Thermochromic Films
Salvio Suárez-García, Nayarassery N. Adarsh, Gábor Molnár, Azzedine Bousseksou, Yann Garcia, Marinela M. Dîrtu, Javier Saiz-Poseu, Roberto Robles, Pablo Ordejón, and Daniel Ruiz-Molina ACS Applied Nano Materials; 1 (6): 2662 - 2668. 2018. 10.1021/acsanm.8b00341 . IF: 0.000
Ab initio study of electron-phonon coupling in rubrene
Ordejón P., Boskovic D., Panhans M., Ortmann F. Physical Review B; 96 (3, 035202) 2017. 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.035202. IF: 3.836
Anisotropic features in the electronic structure of the two-dimensional transition metal trichalcogenide TiS3: Electron doping and plasmons
Silva-Guillén J.A., Canadell E., Ordejón P., Guinea F., Roldán R. 2D Materials; 4 (2, 025085) 2017. 10.1088/2053-1583/aa6b92. IF: 6.937
Growth of Twin-Free and Low-Doped Topological Insulators on BaF2(111)
Bonell F., Cuxart M.G., Song K., Robles R., Ordejón P., Roche S., Mugarza A., Valenzuela S.O. Crystal Growth and Design; 17 (9): 4655 - 4660. 2017. 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b00525. IF: 4.055
Thermal and transport properties of pristine single-layer hexagonal boron nitride: A first principles investigation
Sergio Illera, Miguel Pruneda, Luciano Colombo, Pablo Ordejón Physical Review Materials; 1 (4): 44006. 2017. 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.1.044006.
Voltage-Induced Coercivity Reduction in Nanoporous Alloy Films: A Boost toward Energy-Efficient Magnetic Actuation
Quintana A., Zhang J., Isarain-Chávez E., Menéndez E., Cuadrado R., Robles R., Baró M.D., Guerrero M., Pané S., Nelson B.J., Müller C.M., Ordejón P., Nogués J., Pellicer E., Sort J. Advanced Functional Materials; 27 (32, 1701904) 2017. 10.1002/adfm.201701904. IF: 12.124
Electronic structure of 2H-NbSe2 single-layers in the CDW state
Silva-Guillén J.Á., Ordejón P., Guinea F., Canadell E. 2D Materials; 3 (3, 035028) 2016. 10.1088/2053-1583/3/3/035028. IF: 9.611
How disorder affects topological surface states in the limit of ultrathin Bi2Se3 films
Song K., Soriano D., Robles R., Ordejon P., Roche S. 2D Materials; 3 (4, 045007) 2016. 10.1088/2053-1583/3/4/045007. IF: 9.611
Nanotexturing to Enhance Photoluminescent Response of Atomically Thin Indium Selenide with Highly Tunable Band Gap
Brotons-Gisbert M., Andres-Penares D., Suh J., Hidalgo F., Abargues R., Rodríguez-Cantó P.J., Segura A., Cros A., Tobias G., Canadell E., Ordejón P., Wu J., Martínez-Pastor J.P., Sánchez-Royo J.F. Nano Letters; 16 (5): 3221 - 3229. 2016. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00689. IF: 13.779
Capacitive DNA Detection Driven by Electronic Charge Fluctuations in a Graphene Nanopore
Feliciano G.T., Sanz-Navarro C., Coutinho-Neto M.D., Ordejón P., Scheicher R.H., Rocha A.R. Physical Review Applied; 3 (3, 034003) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.3.034003. IF: 0.000
Quasiparticle spectra of 2H-NbSe2: Two-band superconductivity and the role of tunneling selectivity
Noat Y., Silva-Guillén J.A., Cren T., Cherkez V., Brun C., Pons S., Debontridder F., Roditchev D., Sacks W., Cario L., Ordejón P., García A., Canadell E. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 92 (13, 134510) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.134510. IF: 3.736
Tunneling and electronic structure of the two-gap superconductor MgB2
Silva-Guillén J.A., Noat Y., Cren T., Sacks W., Canadell E., Ordejón P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 92 (6, 064514) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.064514. IF: 3.736
Electronic properties of single-layer and multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M = Mo, W and X = S, Se)
Roldán R., Silva-Guillén J.A., López-Sancho M.P., Guinea F., Cappelluti E., Ordejón P. Annalen der Physik; 526 (9-10): 347 - 357. 2014. 10.1002/andp.201400128.
Momentum dependence of spin-orbit interaction effects in single-layer and multi-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
Roldán R., López-Sancho M.P., Guinea F., Cappelluti E., Silva-Guillén J.A., Ordejón P. 2D Materials; 1 (3, 034003) 2014. 10.1088/2053-1583/1/3/034003.
Manganese 3×3 and √3×√3-R30 â̂̃ structures and structural phase transition on w-GaN(0001̄) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theory
Chinchore A.V., Wang K., Shi M., Mandru A., Liu Y., Haider M., Smith A.R., Ferrari V., Barral M.A., Ordejón P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 87 (16, 165426) 2013. 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.165426.
Tight-binding model and direct-gap/indirect-gap transition in single-layer and multilayer MoS2
Cappelluti E., Roldán R., Silva-Guillén J.A., Ordejón P., Guinea F. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 88 (7, 075409) 2013. 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.075409.
Calculation of core level shifts within DFT using pseudopotentials and localized basis sets
García-Gil S., García A., Ordejón P. European Physical Journal B; 85 (7, 239) 2012. 10.1140/epjb/e2012-30334-5.
Carbon nanotubes as substrates for molecular spiropyran-based switches
Malic, E.; Setaro, A.; Bluemmel, P.; Sanz-Navarro, C.F.; Ordejón, P.; Reich, S.; Knorr, A. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 24: 394006. 2012. .
Dielectric screening in extended systems using the self-consistent Sternheimer equation and localized basis sets
Hübener H., Pérez-Osorio M.A., Ordejón P., Giustino F. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 85 (24, 245125) 2012. 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.245125.
Electroresistance effect in ferroelectric tunnel junctions with symmetric electrodes
Bilc D.I., Novaes F.D., Íñiguez J., Ordejón P., Ghosez P. ACS Nano; 6 (2): 1473 - 1478. 2012. 10.1021/nn2043324.
Insulating behavior of an amorphous graphene membrane
Van Tuan D., Kumar A., Roche S., Ortmann F., Thorpe M.F., Ordejon P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 86 (12, 121408) 2012. 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.121408.
Performance of local orbital basis sets in the self-consistent Sternheimer method for dielectric matrices of extended systems
Hubene, H.; Perez-Osorio, M.A.; Ordejon, P.; Giustino, F. European Physical Journal B; 85: 321. 2012. .
Y:BaZrO 3 perovskite compounds I: DFT study on the unprotonated and protonated local structures
Cammarata A., Ordejón P., Emanuele A., Duca D. Chemistry - An Asian Journal; 7 (8): 1827 - 1837. 2012. 10.1002/asia.201100974.
An efficient implementation of a QM-MM method in SIESTA
Sanz-Navarro C.F., Grima R., García A., Bea E.A., Soba A., Cela J.M., Ordejón P. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts; 128 (4): 825 - 833. 2011. 10.1007/s00214-010-0816-5.
Magnetism-dependent transport phenomena in hydrogenated graphene: From spin-splitting to localization effects
Leconte N., Soriano D., Roche S., Ordejon P., Charlier J.-C., Palacios J.J. ACS Nano; 5 (5): 3987 - 3992. 2011. 10.1021/nn200558d.
Magnetoresistance and magnetic ordering fingerprints in hydrogenated graphene
Soriano D., Leconte N., Ordejón P., Charlier J.-C., Palacios J.-J., Roche S. Physical Review Letters; 107 (1, 016602) 2011. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.016602.
Modulation of surface charge transfer through competing long-range repulsive versus short-range attractive interactions
Fraxedas J., García-Gil S., Monturet S., Lorente N., Fernández-Torrente I., Franke K.J., Pascual J.I., Vollmer A., Blum R.-P., Koch N., Ordejón P. Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 115 (38): 18640 - 18648. 2011. 10.1021/jp2050838.
Oxygen surface functionalization of graphene nanoribbons for transport gap engineering
Cresti A., Lopez-Bezanilla A., Ordejón P., Roche S. ACS Nano; 5 (11): 9271 - 9277. 2011. 10.1021/nn203573y.
Quantum transport in chemically modified two-dimensional graphene: From minimal conductivity to Anderson localization
Leconte N., Lherbier A., Varchon F., Ordejon P., Roche S., Charlier J.-C. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 84 (23, 235420) 2011. 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.235420.
Structural, dynamical, and electronic transport properties of modified DNA duplexes containing size-expanded nucleobases
Blas J.R., Huertas O., Tabares C., Sumpter B.G., Fuentes-Cabrera M., Orozco M., Ordejón P., Luque F.J. Journal of Physical Chemistry A; 115 (41): 11344 - 11354. 2011. 10.1021/jp205122c.
Band selection and disentanglement using maximally localized Wannier functions: The cases of Co impurities in bulk copper and the Cu(111) surface
Korytár R., Pruneda M., Junquera J., Ordejón P., Lorente N. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 22 (38, 385601) 2010. 10.1088/0953-8984/22/38/385601.
Damaging graphene with ozone treatment: A chemically tunable metal - Insulator transition
Leconte N., Moser J., Ordejón P., Tao H., Lherbier A., Bachtold A., Alsina F., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Charlier J.-C., Roche S. ACS Nano; 4 (7): 4033 - 4038. 2010. 10.1021/nn100537z.
Density-wave instability in α- ( BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN) 4 studied by x-ray diffuse scattering and by first-principles calculations
Foury-Leylekian P., Pouget J.-P., Lee Y.-J., Nieminen R.M., Ordejón P., Canadell E. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 82 (13, 134116) 2010. 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.134116.
Electronic transport between graphene layers covalently connected by carbon nanotubes
Novaes F.D., Rurali R., Ordejón P. ACS Nano; 4 (12): 7596 - 7602. 2010. 10.1021/nn102206n.
Orbital specific chirality and homochiral self-assembly of achiral molecules induced by charge transfer and spontaneous symmetry breaking
Mugarza A., Lorente N., Ordejón P., Krull C., Stepanow S., Bocquet M.-L., Fraxedas J., Ceballos G., Gambardella P. Physical Review Letters; 105 (11, 115702) 2010. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.115702.
Preface: Phys. stat. sol. (c) 7/11-12
Correia, A.; Sáenz, J.J.; Ordejon, P.; Roche, S. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics; 7: 2593 - 2595. 2010. 10.1002/pssc.201060100.
Real-time TD-DFT simulations in dye sensitized solar cells: The electronic absorption spectrum of alizarin supported on TiO2 nanoclusters
Sánchez-De-Armas R., Oviedo López J., San-Miguel M.A., Sanz J.F., Ordejón P., Pruneda M. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; 6 (9): 2856 - 2865. 2010. 10.1021/ct100289t.
Optimal strictly localized basis sets for noble metal surfaces
García-Gil S., García A., Lorente N., Ordejón P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 79 (7, 075441) 2009. 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.075441.
Physica Status Solidi C: Preface
Correia, A.; Sáenz, J.J.; Ordejón, P. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics; 6: 2093 - 2095. 2009. 10.1002/pssc.200960073.
Tunneling spectroscopy in core/shell structured Fe/MgO nanospheres
Martínez-Boubeta C., Balcells Li., Monty C., Ordejon P., Martínez B. Applied Physics Letters; 94 (6, 062507) 2009. 10.1063/1.3080657.
Band bending and quasi-2deg in the metallized β-SiC(001) surface
Rurali R., Wachowicz E., Hyldgaard P., Ordejón P. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters; 2 (5): 218 - 220. 2008. 10.1002/pssr.200802166.
The SIESTA method; Developments and applicability
Artacho E., Anglada E., Diéguez O., Gale J.D., García A., Junquera J., Martin R.M., Ordejón P., Pruneda J.M., Sánchez-Portal D., Soler J.M. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter; 20 (6, 064208) 2008. 10.1088/0953-8984/20/6/064208.
GaS and InSe equations of state from single crystal diffraction
J. Pellicer-Porres; E. Machado-Charry; A. Segura; S. Gilliland; E. Canadell; P. Ordejón; A. Polian; P. Munsch; A. Chevy y N. Guignot Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research; 2007. .
Interaction of copper organometallic precursors with barrier layers of Ti, Ta and W and their nitrides: a first-principles molecular dynamics study
E. Machado; M. Kaczmarski; B. Braida; P. Ordejón; D. Garg; J. Norman; H. Cheng Journal of Molecular Modeling; 2007. .
Resistive and rectifying effects of pulling gold atoms at thiol-gold nanocontacts
R. J. C. Batista; P. Ordejón; H. Chacham; E. Artacho Physical Review B; 2007. .
The Calculation of Free-Energiesin Semiconductors: Defects, Transitionsand Phase Diagrams
E. R. Hernández; A. Antonelli; L. Colombo; P. Ordejón Topics in Applied Physics; 104: 115 - 140. 2007. .
Transport measurements under pressure in III¿IV layered semiconductors
A. Segura; D. Errandonea; D. Martínez García; F. J. Manjón; A. Chevy; G. Tobías; P. Ordejón; E. Canadell Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research; 244: 162 - 168. 2007. .
Electron transport via local polarons at interface atoms
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