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Wednesday, 09 December 2015

A groundbreaking system for synthesising graphene wins the Generating Ideas competition

by Super User

2D EDGE, led by young entrepreneurs from ICN2, ICMAB and UAB, is the winning project in the fourth edition of the UAB Research Park Generating Ideas Programme. The second prize goes to the project OISensing, also linked to ICN2, and third prize to Smart Coding Tech.

The fourth edition of the Generating Ideas Programme, organised by the UAB Research Park (PRUAB), now has its winners. The three winning projects were chosen for their potential applications in the aerospace sector.

First prize goes to the project 2D EDGE, which proposes a groundbreaking graphene-synthesis mechanism that allows continuous production of graphene using the technique of Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD).  This ability to produce graphene sheets continuously can optimise production costs and facilitate the use of graphene in a wide range of technological applications, in electronics, photovoltaic energy and the aerospace industry.

The awarded initiative is led by Damia Viana, member of the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group led by ICREA Prof Jose A. Garrido, Sergi Claramunt and Ferney Chaves, of the Department of Electronic Engineering, UAB and Axel Sanz, a graduate in Business Management and Administration from the UAB. The prize is 2,500 Euros in cash and six months' incubation in the Eureka Building of the UAB Research Park, to further develop the idea and turn it into a business opportunity.

The project OISensing takes the second prize: 1500 Euros and three months' incubation in the Eureka Building. This project has developed a new material named BL (Bi-Layer) Film, which is completely organic and sensitive to infra-red radiation. The characteristics of this material make it ideal for making sensors to detect distant objects at a lower cost, with lower energy consumption and no need for cooling. The project is led by researchers Victor Lebedev and Jaume Veciana of the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Dr Anna Magraso, of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) and Fredi Fernandez, a specialist in sales and marketing.

Third prize, 1,000 Euros, goes to researchers Joan Serra-Sagrista, Ian Blanes and Sara Alvarez-Cortés, of the UAB's Interactive Image Coding group (GICI). Their project, named Smart Coding Tech, offers an innovative solution for rapid data transmission and efficient storage. It is a smart coding technology for advanced space-to-land communications, which allows very high transmission speeds when downloading satellite data and increases the amount of data sent.

For further information: PRUAB’s website