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Monday, 14 February 2022

ICN2 in the top 10 of Catalan research institutions for number of health spin-offs and investments in 2021

by Virginia Greco

The “BioRegió” Report 2021 provides data about the new health-related companies created from Catalan universities and research institutes in the last year. The ICN2 is well positioned, with 6 start-ups and 17.4 millions of euros invested in them.

According to the BioRegió Report 2021 –promoted by Biocat, together with CataloniaBio & HealthTech and ACCIÓ—, investment in health start-ups in Catalonia continues to rise and has surpassed the €200 million barrier for the second year in a row. In total, these spin-off companies created from universities and research institutions working on health issues have raised €238 million, the highest figure recorded to date. Funding from venture capital has been the main driver of this growth, accumulating more than 187 million euros and representing 79% of the total capital raised, a figure that has tripled compared to 2019.

A total of 36 transactions were closed in 2021, a lower number compared to the previous year (41), but higher in terms of average amount per transaction. The University of Barcelona stands out above the other institutions for number of spin-offs and capital attracted. However, it is the spinoffs from research institutes that have, in relative values, the highest rate of investment.

ICN2 ranks ninth in the list of Catalan research institutes and universities by the number of start-ups created in 2021 (6) and eighth by the amount of millions of euros invested in such new companies (17.4).