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18 July

Interfacial phenomena in graphene materials, devices and applications

Thursday 18 July 2024, 02:00pm

ICN2 Seminar Hall, ICN2 Building, Campus UAB

NOTE: This is a confidential thesis, therefore you will be required to sign a NDA before entering the room to attend the defense.


PhD: Marta Delgà

DirectorsProf. Jose A. Garrido, Group Leader and Dr Elena del Corro, Senior Reseacher at Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group at ICN2

Short Abstract: Due to its unique mechanical, optical and electrochemical properties, graphene has raised great interest for biosensing and bioelectronic applications. Although current graphene-based technology has demonstrated remarkable potential in the biomedical field, fundamental knowledge about graphene interaction with the media surrounding it is still missed. This PhD thesis is devoted to the study of interfacial phenomena that can govern the performance of graphene devices, from its synthesis to the final application.

Concerning graphene synthesis, we prepare rigid, flat and reusable copper supports for the growth of high-quality, large-scale graphene to be used in electronic devices. Then, we study how the graphene/substrate and the graphene/electrolyte interfaces govern the electronic performance of graphene devices working in aqueous media. Finally, we propose a novel approach for graphene functionalization towards the fabrication of versatile graphene-based biosensors.