The Network of Excellence (NoE) "Beyond CMOS nano-devices for adding functionalities to CMOS" (NANOFUNCTION), which includes two ICN2 Groups, has been selected as one of the Top Stories of the European Commission which highlight the achievements of success stories of the Seventh Framework Programme.
After three years of an intense research activity the NoE NANOFUNCTION has presented its major results to the European Commission. Reviewers highlighted a very efficient management, the excellent scientific results and the technical perspectives of the project and emphasized a very fruitful collaborative work within the NoE resulting in five patents, two start-up creations, many industrial transfers, 77 published articles and 248 presentations at international conferences during the project. It has been selected as one of the Top Stories of the European Commission which highlight the achievements of success stories of the Seventh Framework Programme.
The 15-partner network, which included the ICN teams of ICREA Professors Clivia Sotomayor Torres and Sergio O. Valenzuela, conducted research between 2010 and 2013 towards the development of new functionalities for CMOS devices. Supported by a € 2.8 million contribution of the European Commission, the consortium focused particularly on ultra-sensitive nanosensors capable of detecting signals in molecules; nanostructures for harvesting energy for the development of autonomous nanosystems; nanoscale thermal transport in silicon and germanium, nanodevices for spot cooling of integrated circuits; and nanodevices for radio-frequency (RF) communication.
Click here to view the video "Sinano Institute: NANOFUNCTION, Beyond CMOS Nanodevices for Adding Functionalities to CMOS"
According to the network coordinator, Dr F. Balestra, in advancing the current state of the art and carrying out extensive dissemination activities among the European and international nanotechnology community, NANOFUNCTION's work constitutes an important benchmark in the field. “It will benefit European industry and society by preparing long-term integration, which Europe can rely on to underpin research on advanced technology development in this strategic "More than Moore" field - in which Europe already has a strong position”.
The applications of this work are very wide, ranging from health and environment monitoring to internet of things. NANOFUNCTION strengthened the More than Moore nanoelectronics domain, which is strategic for the economy of the next two decades and for which Europe has a strong position at international level.