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Friday, 25 July 2014

Clara de la Torre visits ICN2 after an invited talk at the Campus UAB

by Super User

The Director of Research and Innovation Directorate, DG Research & Innovation offered today a talk at the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM-CSIC) about Key Enabling Technolohies (KETs) and the future of European Research. Her visit to the Campus UAB, invited by CSIC, included a tour through ICMAB-CSIC and ICN2.

lara de la Torre, Director of Research and Innovation Directorate, DG Research & Innovation, offered today a talk at the Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM-CSIC) about Key Enabling Technolohies (KETs) and the future of European Research. Her visit to the Campus of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), invited by CSIC, included a tour through the Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) and the Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2).

The speaker argued that H2020 is different. Clara de la Torre underlined it is a challenge-based approach, allowing applicants to have considerable freedom to come up with innovative solutions. The two-year work programmes and the emphasis on expected impact are designed to support innovation, even when technology readiness levels (TRLs) are still low. Horizon 2020 is an effort to simplify rules balancing trust and control and a compromise to accelerate paperwork. Additionally, now the synergies between European Structural Funds and Investment Funds, innovation and competitiveness-related Union Programmes are regulated and encouraged.

The Key Enabling Technolohies (KETs) are in the basis of industrial development and are meaningful scientific and economic opportunities. They include nanotechnology, micro- and nanoelectronics including semiconductors, advanced materials, biotechnology and photonics. Horizon 2020 promotes industrial engagement in those areas and devotes an important part of the budget to transversal actions affecting different KETs.

The call for Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and KET support actions bridge the gap between nanotechnology research and markets. It includes topics related to Integration of novel nano materials into existing production; Manufacturing and control of nanoporus materials; Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules; and, Additive manufacturing for table-top nanofactories. In her final remarks, Clara de la Torre encouraged the audience to find partners and submit proposals.

After her talk she joined a tour through the ICMAB-CSIC and ICN2. Together with Emilio Lora Tamayo, Director of CSIC, Carles Cané, Director of CNM, Jorge Velasco, from CSIC’s delegation in  Brussels, Boaz Kogon, Director of Strategy at ICN2 and Pablo Ordejón, Director of ICN2, Clara de la Torre visited ICN2’s Electron Microscopy Division and equipments where ICN2 researcher’s run their theoretical computation simulations. The visit took place in a friendly environment and the invited personalities showed great interest for the research work undergone at ICN2.