Wednesday, 14 December 2016
ICN2 presents the institutional Procedure for the prevention, detection and treatment of harassment situations
ICN2 is proud of the diversity of its community and seeks to ensure that each individual is treated with dignity and respect and that the different experiences, abilities and skills of each individual are valued by others. The latest example of this institutional compromise is the new institutional Procedure, presented by Rocío Pérez and José Pérez.
ICN2 has respect for people as a core value. It seeks, in all its policies and actions, to be a genuinely inclusive organisation and to integrate the principles of equal treatment and promotion of diversity into all aspects of the Institute day-to-day life. The latest example of this institutional compromise is the presentation of the institutional Procedure for the prevention, detection and treatment of harassment situations.
José Pérez, Health & Safety Officer, and Rocío Pérez, Head of ICN2 Human Resources Department, presented the document and the values behind it during an internal event on December 13, 2016. The document is the result of a shared effort led by the ICN2 Maintenance and Safety Department, together with the Human Resources Department, the Equality Committee and a number of involved ICN2 members.
The purpose of this procedure is to foster an environment in which mobbing, harassment or intimidation are acknowledged as unacceptable and are not tolerated by the Institute. It is important that all members of the ICN2 community should be able to recognise, challenge, and where necessary, complain about harassment should it arise. This whole process should be faced with confidence that their concerns will be treated in good faith, and investigated fairly and appropriately.