The future of electronics is transparent, flexible and stretchable, so says Dr Prof. Young Hee Lee, Director of the Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics in Korea. who last March delivered a talk at the ICN2 on recent advances in 2D materials.
Dr Prof. Young Hee Lee, Director of the Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics (CINAP) in Korea, visited the ICN2 to give a talk entitled "Recent progresses in 2D materials in the CINAP" as part of our Manuel Cardona lecture series. Before his talk, we spent some time with him to discuss the changes taking place in the world of 2D materials, and how the challenges and opportunities they present are being approached by Korea.
The Manuel Cardona lectures series offers the ICN2 community and beyond the opportunity to interact with some of the most prominent researchers in nano-related fields. They stand as a tribute to Prof. Manuel Cardona, a key figure in our institutional history.
Dr Prof. Hee Lee was invited to talk by ICREA Research Prof. Stephan Roche, leader of the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group.
Here we leave you with two videos, the first of the lecture itself, followed by the personal interview.