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Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The ICN2 celebrates the first Severo Ochoa ICT Workshop: Lavoisier discussion on “Quantum Simulation”

by Àlex Argemí

The event, held on 8-9 May, is the first of a series of workshops offering an overview of the different research areas covered by the ICN2 Severo Ochoa Strategic Plan. It was focused on ultrafast dynamics and organised in collaboration with the European centre of excellence MaX, GRR-I Graphene&Co and GDR Graphene&Co. ICREA Prof. Stephan Roche, Group Leader of the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group, was the local coordinator of the event.

Lavoisier discussions are focused workshops on emerging topics covered by the GDR/GDR-I network. The ICN2 organised one of such interactive events on 8-9 May in the context of an ICN2 Severo Ochoa ICT Workshop devoted to ultrafast dynamics. The ICN2 Severo Ochoa Workshops are relevant milestones of the ICN2 Severo Ochoa Strategic Plan 2018-2021, covering in detail the main areas of application of the research performed at the ICN2: ICT, Energy, Environment and Health. The Lavoisier discussion on “Quantum Simulation” was the first of seven Severo Ochoa Workshops to be organised in the next years.

The event was focused on exchange about recent progress and challenges in modelling “exciton physics, thermal transport/thermoelectric and magnetic/spin proximity effects”. The participants addressed recent advances in modelling excitons in two-dimensional materials, as well as the study of thermal transport and thermoelectrics in graphene and van der Waals heterostructures. The modelling and impact of proximity effects between magnetic, strong spin-orbit coupling and other 2D materials was also the focus of the meeting.

The meeting was organized by GDR graphene & nanotubes network with the support of the ICN2 and the European centre of excellence MaX - Materials design at the Exascale. The main organisers of the event were: ICREA Prof. Stephan Roche, Group Leader of the ICN2 Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience Group, Prof. Annick Loiseau, Prof. Matteo Calandra and Prof. Jean-Christophe Charlier (from left to right in the picture above). Among the international leaders sharing their views during the event were several ICN2 researchers such as Dr Zeila Zanolli, ICREA Prof. Sergio Valenzuela, Dr Ramon Cuadrado and Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij, as well as the Director of the ICN2 Prof. Pablo Ordejón. You can see the full programme in the event website.