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Thursday, 31 October 2019

The SOMM Alliance holds its first meeting on gender equality policies

by Àlex Argemí

The 1st Gender Equality Event of the Alliance of the SOMMa shared at CNIO the network's best practices in gender equality, to implement a change of culture that allows gender equality to be integrated into strategic science decisions. Dr Neus Domingo offered a talk about KPIs for Gender Balance.

On October 29, the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) hosted the 1st Gender Equality Event of the Alliance of the Severo Ochoa Centres and María de Maeztu Units of Excellence (SOMMa). The meeting aimed at sharing best practices in this area at the SOMMa Centres to promote a change of their institutional culture to support female talent and gender equality in science and of strategic decision-making in a coordinated and institutional way.

The event, organised by SOMMa and CNIO’s Women in Science Office (WISE), which was created in 2012 by its director Maria Blasco and is coordinated by Isabel López de Silanes, enjoyed the collaboration of the British Embassy in Spain. Among its participants was Dr Neus Domingo, CSIC Distinguished Researcher at the ICN2 Oxide Nanophysics Group. She offered a talk entitled “KPIs for Gender Balance or how to mine meaningful gender labelled data”.

Directors of SOMMa Centres discussed at CNIO the network's best practices in gender equality, to implement a change of culture that allows gender equality to be integrated into strategic science decisions. Invited speaker Cheryl Smythe, gender equality expert from the Babraham Institute, talked about the gender policies implemented by her centre to obtain the Athena SWAN Charter, a UK recognition to best practices for gender equality, and a prospective model for similar future European initiatives.

Information via: CNIO