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Wednesday, 08 June 2022

Prof. Ordejón discusses the impact of nanotechnology on global challenges at the Residència d’Investigadors

by Virginia Greco

In this lecture, ICN2 Director Prof. Pablo Ordejón explained the role of nanotechnology in addressing major challenges in health, energy, environment, and other fields and provided examples of existing applications and new developments.

On 7 June 2022, Prof. Pablo Ordejón, Director of the ICN2 and leader of the Theory and Simulation Group, gave a seminar on ‘Nanotechnology and Global Challenges’ at the Residència d’investigadors (a public consortium established by CSIC and the Generalitat de Catalunya) in Barcelona, within the lecture cycle: ‘SOS! This is Earth: Global Change Challenges and Issues’. The event was in-presence, but it was also broadcast in streaming.

Prof. Ordejón’s talk introduced some of the major challenges that humanity are facing nowadays –such as general health and well-being issues, climate change, environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, among others— and discussed how nanotechnology is already contributing to providing solutions for global problems and can help even more in the next future. Although these issues involve a large number of social, economic and political aspects, technology is a fundamental part of their solution. Nanotechnology is one of the most promising tools for addressing many of these challenges in health, energy, environment, information processing, communications, etc.

In his presentation, Prof. Ordejón provided actual examples of nanotechnologies that already implemented in our everyday life and of research projects developed at the ICN2 that are providing new solutions to global issues. He also gave a perspective of future progress that we can expect in the coming years.