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Thursday, 09 December 2021

Mental health within the research community: a neglected issue?

by Virginia Greco

Researchers from various institutions, experts and representatives of concerned groups discussed mental well-being in the world of research, during a roundtable which took place on December 3. Julio Gómez, ICN2 Head of Human Resources, participated in the debate.

On Friday 3 December, the European Observatory on Mental Health in Researchers (Remo), the CSIC, the UAB and the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) held a debate on mental health in the world of research. About 130 researchers, including experts and representatives of concerned groups, gathered to discuss this topic. Mental well-being, although very relevant, is still sometimes overlooked in the working environment. The increased spread of psychological problems registered during the COVID pandemic has made it even more urgent to discuss strategies to tackle them and increase awareness.

The ReMO COST Action (EU funded project, CA19117) aims to address mental health problems in the research environment to work towards possible solutions and to reduce mental health stigma. A working group of 234 people from 34 European countries, including academics, practitioners, policy makers and consultants from higher education institutions, has been established.

Among the participant to the roundtable was Julio Gómez, Head of Human Resources at ICN2. "A research career is a path with many obstacles that researchers must overcome in order to advance. Emotional strength is absolutely necessary for this," commented Gómez. “In this sense, actions by institutions aimed at providing research staff with tools for resilience are important. At ICN2 we have launched sessions with experts to help the different groups in the organisation, not only the researchers, but also all the other teams."

Read more about the event.