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Monday, 16 May 2022

CATRIN and ICN2 lay the foundations for future scientific collaborations

by Virginia Greco

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 10 May 2022 by the Directors of the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN) and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2). The agreement establishes a programme of scientific cooperation, interchange of ideas, knowledge, and researchers.

On 9-10 May 2022, the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) hosted a delegation from the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute (CATRIN) and held a workshop on a wide range of nanoscience and nanotechnology topics, with the aim of laying the foundations for future R&D collaboration. Indeed, the two-day event closed with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by the Directors of the involved institutes, Prof. Pavel Banáš (CATRIN) and Prof. Pablo Ordejón (ICN2).

The objective of this agreement is to foster collaboration and interchange of knowledge between CATRIN and ICN2. The two institutes will establish common projects, identify suitable funding opportunities, facilitate the mobility of visiting scientists and students, and share the organization of scientific seminars and conferences.

The establishment of this cooperation, which is expected to bring mutual benefits, was strongly advocated by Prof. Michal Otyepka and Prof. Radek Zbořil from CATRIN and ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, leader of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group, and endorsed by Dr Margarita Navia, Head of the ICN2 Strategy Development Area. ‘This agreement contributes to expanding the frontiers of the ICN2 and to the internationalization effort that we are currently undergoing, as part of our 2021-2024 institutional strategy,’ states Dr Navia.

The workshop that took place at the ICN2 kicked off on May 9 with a visit to some of the laboratories of the centre, where the representatives of CATRIN had the occasion to meet a few ICN2 senior scientists and learn about the equipment available at our facility. Then, four sessions of talks were held across the two days, in which research lines carried out at the two institutes were introduces and discussed. In particular, the presentations focused on novel technologies based on graphene and other 2D materials for application in nanomedicine, energy, and environment.

During the workshop we identified many topics we would like to tackle jointly, mainly in the field of water treatment, advanced low-dimension materials for electronic and magnetic applications, as well as technology related to energy storage and solar energy harvesting,’ comments Prof. Zbořil. A delegation from ICN2, in turn, will visit CATRIN on 17-18 October 2022, to further deepen the relationship established between the two centres and move the collaboration programme forward. The agreement signed at the end of the meeting covers 5 years; the common wish is to establish a solid and fruitful collaboration which could extend over this first period.

Learn more about this new partnership from the participants: