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Thursday, 07 July 2022

Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela invited to become a member of the Academia Europaea

by Virginia Greco

Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela, ICREA Research Professor and leader of the ICN2 Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, has been elected as a member of the Academia Europaea. The membership of this organization, which brings together eminent European scientists and scholars from the full range of academic disciplines, is by invitation only.

The Academia Europaea is a European, non-governmental association funded in 1988, whose members are scientists and scholars. Its aim is to promote European research, advise governments and international organisations in scientific matters, and further interdisciplinary and international research. The Academia fosters the advancement and propagation of excellence in scholarship in the humanities, law, the economic, social, and political sciences, mathematics, medicine, and all branches of natural and technological sciences anywhere in the world. Membership is by invitation.

Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela, ICREA Research Professor and leader of the ICN2 Physics and Engineering of Nanodevices Group, has been elected to join the over 4500 current members of the Academia. Other members from the ICN2 are Prof. Pablo Ordejón, ICN2 Director and Leader of the Theory and Simulation Group, who joined in 2017, and ICREA Prof. Clivia Sotomayor Torres, leader of the  Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group, invited in 2020.


About Prof. Sergio O. Valenzuela

Prof. Valenzuela obtained his PhD in Physics in 2001 at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and held research positions at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Since July 2008 he has been an ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at the ICN2. His research is focused on the unique properties of materials with nanoscale dimensions, motivated by both their intrinsic scientific interest and their potential for advanced electronic applications. His work encompasses spintronics, quantum computation with superconducting circuits and quantum metrology. Together with his collaborators, he has pioneered the use of non-local devices to study the spin Hall effect and of thermopiles to isolate the magnon drag in ferromagnetic materials, and he has implemented novel qubit control and spectroscopy methods.

Prof. Valenzuela was awarded the 2001 Giambiagi Prize and the 2009 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Magnetism for his contributions to the field of spintronics, as well as an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2012. He has authored over 70 articles (Nature, Science, Reviews of Modern Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Nanotechnology, Physical Review Letters, among others), four patents, and five books or book chapters.

Check Prof. Valenzuela’s profile on the Academia Europaea’s website.