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Monday, 16 January 2017

Mad for Science: Over 200 students start their first scientific adventure

by Àlex Argemí

Mad for Science is a consolidated Program organised by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera and devoted to bring High School sudents closer to research. ICN2, IFAE and UAB lead the second edition of Mad for Physics. It is a great opportunity for 25 brilliant young students to have a first contact with real research. The Program offers an overview of different research lines, including the participation of researchers from ICMAB, ICFO and Alba Synchrotron.

The fifth edition of Mad for Science (“Bojos per la Ciència”, in Catalan) started on Friday January 13 at Món Sant Benet. This Program, organised by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera, offers to young and brilliant High School students the opportunity to interact with real researchers. The activities will be held oon Saturday during the 2017-2018 course. 

Among the over 600 attendees, including over 200 students and their families, were the 25 students who will participate in the Mad for Physics Program (“Bojos per la Física”, in Catalan). These students will participate in a diverse and appealing set of activities led by ICN2, IFAE and UAB. With collaborations from ICFO, ICMAB and Alba Synchrotron, this challenging experience offers some hints about what does being a researcher in physics mean.

The internationally recognised researcher Nuria Oliver, Doctor in Computational Sciences by the Media Lab at the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), offered a motivational talk followed by the institutional presentation of the 8 different Programs^available. Lluís Farrés, Director of the Knowledge and Research Area of the Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera, conducted the event. Àlex Argemí, Head of the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department, presented the Mad for Physics Program.

Different ICN2 Groups have participated in the design of this year's Program: Inorganic Nanoparticles Group, Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group, Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, Oxide Nanoelectronics Group and Electron Microscopy Division. Learn more about the Program of Mad for Physics, which includes astronomy, nanomedicine, photonics, piezoelectricity, high energy physics and much more: http://bojosperlafisica.ifae.es/