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Outreach News

Friday, 23 June 2017

Plasticine, pipe cleaners and the future of nano

The final Nano2All citizen dialogue was held in Barcelona this month at the CCCB. As the project moves into its next stage, the stakeholder dialogues, we leave you with a review of this playful event which had participants building future objects that exploit the possibilities of brain-computer interfaces.

A few short weeks ago, Àlex Argemi, head of the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department, led the final Nano2All citizen dialogue on the subject of brain-computer interfaces. The idea behind these sessions was to explore the perceptions and concerns of the general public as to the possible future applications of nanotechnologies, through a series of guided interactive tasks designed to take our adult participants back to their more creative childhood selves.

An overview of preliminary results can be found on the Nano2All website. This is a video summary of the event: