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Attocube AFM/MFM atomic force microscope

Attocube AFM/MFM atomic force microscope

The Asylum Research MFP-3D combines the versatility with high performance, powerful new capabilities, and a new system architecture designed for future expansion. The MFP-3D will support your most ambitious research projects, thanks to low noise opto-mechanics and sensored X.Y and Z-axis scanners, an all digital controller and its extreme software flexibility. The wide range of available options and accessories provides the laboratory with a complete catalogue of choices for nanoscale full characterization.

Technical specifications

  • Manufacturer: ATTOCUBE
  • Model: AttoDRY 1000 AFM - MFM I Head
  • Control electronics: Nanonis BP5, 2 Dual OC4
  • Temperature Range: 3K to RT
  • Magnetic Field: Axial 9T
  • Frequency Range: 0 - 0,8 MHz
  • Cryostat: Closed Cycle-Cryogen-Free Cryostat Top-Loading design with 2" bore size, base temperature 4 K, extremely low vibrations suitable for SPM measurements. Vibration isolated sample tube 2" (OD), available sample space 49.7 mm (ID)
  • Scanners:
    • Open loop coarse positioning range in x,y,z (patented slip-stick positioners): 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm
    • Open loop scan range in x,y,z (dedicated scan stages): 50 µm x 50 µm x 24 µm @ 300 K, 30 µm x 30 µm x 15 µm @ 4 K (non-linearity approx. 5%-10% of maximum scan range)
    • z bit resolution full range mode (@ 4K): 57 pm
    • z bit resolution small range mode (@ 4K): 0.9 pm
    • Open loop electronics for all positioners and scanners as well as the dither piezo
  • AFM Head:
    • attoAFM/MFM I - sensor head for magnetic force microscopy experiments, cantilever-based setup with interferometric deflection detection, alignment-free cantilever holder
    • Inspection optics: in-situ LT-LED for illumination of tip & sample,mirrors, lenses and CCD camera (outside of cryostat); field of view approx. 3 mm x 2 mm
  • Environmental control:
    • Environmental conditions on-desk
    • Room Temperature: Vacum 10 -5 mbar @ RT, inhert gases (N2, Ar, He, Oxygen…)
    • Low T conditions: 20 mbar He
  • Operating modes:
    • Contact Mode, AC and Dual AC, Q-controlled imaging using feedback on amplitude, Force curve acquisition in contact or AC mode. All signals available.
    • EFM, Surface Potential, Conductive AFM (CAFM); Variable Field Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) - 9T out of plane.
    • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, Switching Spectroscopy PFM, dual ressonance tracking PFM.
    • Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM)
    • Bimodal AFM

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