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Thursday, 25 September 2014

ICN2 hosts the 19th edition of the Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors

by Super User

ICREA Research Prof. Arben Merkoci, Group Leader at ICN2 and this year’s Director of the Meeting, welcomed the assistants and underlined an exciting program. Prof. Salvador Alegret and CSIC Prof. Laura M. Lechuga opened the Conference which will summarize the latest achievements in the field of sensors and biosensors.

Over 60 people joined today in the Universitat Autonoma de Bellaterra to celebrate the first session of the 19th edition of Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors (TMSB-2014). The event, organized by Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), brings together researchers from the Euroregion between France and Spain (Catalonia, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyreénées) and surroundings areas. The objective is to show the latest achievements in the field of sensors and biosensors and create new contacts and networks between the various groups, focusing specially in young researchers.

ICREA Research Prof. Arben Merkoci, Group Leader of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group and this year’s Director of the TMSB Conference, welcomed the assistants and underlined an exciting program. Prof. Salvador Alegret, from the Chemistry Department at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), exposed the importance of working together joining efforts from both sides of the Pyrenees, as both Catalonia and southern France offer high quality institutions and scientists in the field of biosensors.


CSIC Research Prof. Laura M. Lechuga, Group Leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group, opened fire with a Plenary Lecture entitled “Nanophotonic Lab-On-Chip Biosensors For Advanced Nanodiagostics”. After explaining the basics of optical biosensors, she compared the sensitivity of different sensing methods. The team led by Prof. Lechuga is working in devices which could turn out into highly sensitive and cheap devices. Their work focuses on sensors fabrication and surface biofuntionalization, with applications as different as diagnostics or pollutants detection in the sea.

The Program Coordinated by Prof. Arben Merkoci, together with an outstanding Scientific Committee, offers two days of intense debate and knowledge sharing. TMSB will be focusing on both basic as well as applied researches giving a special importance to bringing sensors and biosensors to society in fields as important as health, safety and security beside other industries. This initiative started back in 1996 and became afterwards an annual conference that is now serving to the scientific community from younger researchers to professors as an interesting scientific platform to discuss their achievements, exchange ideas and establish new collaborations in the field of sensors and biosensors.