Thursday, 07 October 2021
"Trends in Nanotechnology" lands in Albania with great participation from ICN2
TNT2021, this year’s edition of the international conference series dedicated to new trends in nanotechnology, is being held in Tirana (Albania). The ICN2 participated in the organization of this event, which is co-chaired by group leader ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, and is contributing many presentations.
The 21st edition of Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2021) is taking place in these days (4-8 October 2021) in Tirana (Albania). Since the first event (TNT2000), which took place in Toledo, Spain, this scientific meeting series has gathered over the years many experts in nanoscience and nanotechnology to discuss a broad range of research lines and projects, as well as related initiatives and policies (in particular at European level). The topics covered, across the various plenary and parallel sessions, span graphene and 2D materials, nanobiosensors and nanomedicine, nanomagnetism and spintronics, optics and photonics applications, nanomaterials for energy, nanofabrication tools, and many more.
This year’s edition is co-chaired by ICREA Prof. Arben Merkoçi, leader of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group, and Antonio Correia, from the Phantoms Foundation --main organiser, together with NanoAlb-Academy of Sciences of Albania. The event is also supported by the Embassy of Spain in Tirana. Besides participating in the organisation of the event, the ICN2 is contributing many keynote and invited talks, posters and lectures. Among the keynote speakers are Prof. Pablo Ordejon, ICN2 Director and head of the Theory and Simulation Group, and various other group leaders –ICREA Prof. Jordi Arbiol, ICREA Prof. Aitor Mugarza, Dr Klaas-Jan Tielrooij and, of course, Prof. Merkoçi.
Since one of the main objectives of the TNT conference series is to provide a platform for young researchers to share their work and interact with high-level scientists, special sessions are dedicated to oral and poster presentations by PhD students. Prizes are also awarded to young researchers for the work they presented. This year, one of the prizes for best poster has been granted to Massimo Urban, doctoral student in the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group.
The event also provided to PhD students an excellent opportunity for specialised training, thanks to the organization of a “Nanobiosensor school”, which took place on Tuesday 5, as a parallel session. Various of the lecturers were current or former members of Prof. Merkoçi's group. Three satellite workshops were also held, one on collaboration between medical doctors and nanotechnologists and the other two on scientific partnership in the field of nanotechnology between Spain, Albania and Japan, and between Albania, Czech Republic and Spain.
[Full list of ICN2 members participating in the event at the end.]
Image on top: (from left to right) Gabriel Maroli, Dr Aleandro Antidormi, Dr Ruslán Álvarez, Prof. Aitor Mugarza, Prof. Pablo Ordejón, Prof. Arben Merkoçi, Enric Calucho.
Image below: Massimo Urban.
Full list of ICN2 participants (speakers and posters)
Keynote (k) and satellite workshops (w) speakers
Jordi Arbiol (k)
Arben Merkoçi (k, w)
Aitor Mugarza (k, w)
Pablo Ordejón (k, w)
Stephan Roche (w)
Invited speakers
Nanobiosensors school speakers
PhD student oral session speakers
Posters (PhD students)