Mad for Physics

Learn and apply with the best researchers

bojos ciencia

The Fundació La Pedrera has developed the Mad for Science Programme to open the doors of the most relevant research institutes to the most excellent High School students. ICN2 and IFAE led in 2016 the successful first edition of Mad for Physics (Bojos per la Física).

Each year around 25 High School students interact during over 10 work sessions with researchers from all the participating excellence centres offering exciting experiences that explore the biggest and the smallest scales of the universe. Coordinated from the ICN2 and the IFAE, Mad for Physics also involves institutions such as UAB, ICMAB, ICFO, ICE, UB and Alba Synchrotron. The idea is to provide students with experiment-based experiences while conveying a sense of what it is like to be a physics researcher.

Are you dreaming about pursuing a career in physics even before entering High School? You are the kind of crazy people we love to meet!

For more information: Bojos per la Física website