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Our Partner: https://royalreelspokies.live/ - Royal Reels Australia. Immediate Flow Immediate Byte The Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, and Steroids with its official English translation Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and acronym ICN2.

Wednesday, 08 March 2023

Another successful International Women’s Day celebration at the ICN2

The event was an occasion to introduce the new Plan of actions designed by the Equal Opportunity Committee for 2023-2026, to discuss about strategies for supporting women scientists and promoting their career advance, as well as to showcase some important research carried out by women at the ICN2. The awarding ceremony of the ICN2 Women Talent Programme 2022 closed the celebration.

Friday, 03 March 2023

Get Ready to Celebrate International Women's Day with ICN2: Honoring Outstanding Achievements of Female Researchers!

Join us on Tuesday, March 7th, at the ICN2 Seminar room, to celebrate International Women's Day, wich is to be officially celebrated the day after the ICn2 event. This Day is an occasion to celebrate women's social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments. In the research field, women have made significant contributions to scientific knowledge and breakthroughs, yet they remain underrepresented in many areas. Achieving gender equality in research is crucial for scientific excellence and innovation, making ICN2 committed to promoting equal opportunities and supporting female researchers' career development. This special event will recognize and honor the outstanding achievements of the Women Talent 2022 Awardees.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

ICN2 for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

As previous years, the ICN2 organised a dedicated event and participated in initiatives meant to highlight the growing presence of women in science and technology, create a space of discussion and dialogue on related topics, and to inspire girls to pursue a career in STEM disciplines.