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Spin coater

Spin coating is a procedure used to deposit uniform thin films to flat substrates. Usually a small amount of coating material is applied on the center of the substrate, which is either spinning at low speed or not spinning at all.

The substrate is then rotated at high speed in order to spread the coating material by centrifugal force and get a uniform thin film onto the substrate.

The main materials used are: polymers, nanomaterials, colloidal solutions and photoresists. The thickness of the film depends on the concentration of the solution material, on the type of solvent and also on the speed. The higher the rotational speed, the thinner the film.

Generally, spin coating is used in microfabrication processes, for instance as a previous step in a photolithography procedure.

Technical specifications

Manufacturer: Laurell Tech.Corporation
Model: WS400BZ-6NPP LITE

  • Rotational speed: 100 to 12.000 rpm.
  • Vacuum chucks: 45mm diameters for 4” wafers.
  • Small fragment chuck adapter: 3 to 10 mm

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