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Thursday, 14 December 2023

LeaderSHE and ICN2 Women Talent Programme 2024

by Virginia Greco

The ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee brings in engaging new speakers for the LeaderSHE talks series and launches a new edition of the ICN2 Women Talent Programme (applications are open).

Two new inspiring talks of the LeaderSHE series have been hosted at the ICN2 in the latest weeks, bringing us the view and experience of women who lead the way in different professional fields. The speakers of these two appointments, invited by the ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee, were the economist Prof. Mar Reguant and the comedian Judit Martin, who shared with the audience their singular career journeys.

A PhD in Economy and ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, Prof. Mar Reguant explained how she made her way in the field of energy economics and climate policy, while telling relevant anecdotes of events and encounters in which her gender played a role.

Judit Martin, a comedy and improvisation actress, discussed how she entered the world of performing art by chance, without having a formal training nor any ambition to become an actress. She talked about gender specific aspects of comedy and how she was able to make a living from acting and clowning.

On the occasion of Judit Martin’s talk, the ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee introduced the ICN2 Women Talent Programme 2024, aimed at supporting women scientists and promoting visibility of their research activity, both inside and outside ICN2. New grants, in the categories Best PhD Thesis, Best Paper and Best Research Project, will be conferred next year. Submission is now open.

The LeaderSHE talks series and the Women Talent Programme are initiatives organised by the ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee in the framework of the institutional ICN2 2023-2026 Equality and Diversity Plan.