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Thursday, 23 November 2023

ICREA Prof. Daniel Maspoch awarded the Jaume I Prize in New Technologies

The outstanding advancements of ICREA Prof. Daniel Maspoch in the field of new technologies have earned him the prestigious Rei Jaume I Prize in New Technologies, alongside 5 more awardees in different categories. His innovative research and successful translation of academic concepts into industrial applications have propelled considerable progress in the domain of material science. This prestigious recognition serves as a testament to his seminal work and its promising implications for societal impact.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Dr Elena Del Corro, senior researcher at the ICN2

Dr Elena Del Corro, senior researcher in the ICN2 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices Group, is the recipient of one of the prestigious Consolidator Grants 2023 of the the European Research Council. She will develop the TriboMed project, aimed at integrating triboelectric energy generators into active implantable medical devices to improve life of patients suffering from diseases linked to the activity of the vagus nerve. 

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

LightNET project: Empowering catalan schools in the fight against climate change

ICN2's LightNET program, supported by the FCRi and the Catalan Department of Education, introduces a citizen science project to test a novel carbon-capture technology to 164 schools across Catalonia. This project, occurring during Science Week 2023, not only educates students about innovative solutions to climate change but also actively involves them in data collection and analysis. Under the guidance of Dr Amador Pérez and Àlex Argemí, the project exemplifies an integrative approach to addressing environmental challenges through education and citizen science.