
Our Partner: - Royal Reels Australia. Immediate Flow Immediate Byte The Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, and Steroids with its official English translation Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and acronym ICN2.

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Spatiotemporal Microscopy as a Powerful Tool for Studying Transport Phenomena

A review recently published in ‘Advanced Electronic Materials’ by researchers from ICN2, ICFO and Vrije University discusses spatiotemporal microscopy as a promising and versatile technique for observing and controlling transport phenomena. It presents the advantages of this technique over conventional ones, showcasing recent discoveries in particle and heat transport, describes its experimental implementations, and offers insights into potential future applications.

Monday, 18 December 2023

EU signs a Pact to make Europe the quantum valley of the world

The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union has promoted a declaration supporting collaboration between Member States and the European Commission to create a European quantum ecosystem. The signatory states commit to cooperate to position Europe as a world leader in the field of quantum technologies.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

LeaderSHE and ICN2 Women Talent Programme 2024

The ICN2 Equal Opportunities Committee brings in engaging new speakers for the LeaderSHE talks series and launches a new edition of the ICN2 Women Talent Programme (applications are open).

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Tune it in a ‘click’: a novel technique easily enhances the properties of nanostructured films for biosensors

In a study published in 'Small', a team of researchers led by members of the ICN2 Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group introduced 'click sintering', an innovative method to improve the properties of gold nanoparticle films instantaneously. This technique, which can be applied to a variety of substrates and does not require expensive equipment, increases the conductivity and nanostructuration/porosity of the films. It enables the fabrication of customised electrodes and surfaces for applications in flexible electronics and highly sensitive biosensors.