
Our Partner: - Royal Reels Australia. Immediate Flow Immediate Byte The Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, and Steroids with its official English translation Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and acronym ICN2. Profit Gain AI

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

ICN2 and ICMAB receive journalists to explain their science

The Journalist-in-the-Lab initiative has chosen these two centres to develop their programme. Two journalists will discuss today and tomorrow with ICN2 and ICMAB researchers involved in FET projects. They will produce dissemination materials related to BrainCom, TOCHA (ICN2), E-Magic and CARBAT (ICMAB).

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

The ICN2 participates in Dissabtes de la Física

This is a programme organised by the Autonomous University of Barcelona to show different topics of physics to Batxillerat students. Last Saturday, the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department collaborated in it by preparing a set of activities related to the nanoscale.

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Crazy for Physics launches its fifth edition

27 High School students will interact during 16 work sessions with researchers from all the participating excellence centers offering exciting experiences that explore the biggest and the smallest scales of the universe. Coordinated from the ICN2 and the IFAE, Crazy for Physics (Bojos per la Física) also involves the UAB, the ICMAB, the ICFO, the ICE, the UB and the Alba Synchrotron.

Tuesday, 04 February 2020

Vote for our brain graphene-based devices!

La Vanguardia has selected the brain-computer interfaces designed by the ICN2 and IMB-CNM-CSIC, with a long list of close collaborators, among the candidates to win its prestigious award Vanguardia de la Ciencia. Help us disseminate the fight against epilepsy, migraine or brain damage with nanotechnology. The winner will be one of the 8 candidates that will be selected through popular vote.