
Our Partner: - Royal Reels Australia. Immediate Flow Immediate Byte The Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, and Steroids with its official English translation Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and acronym ICN2.

Friday, 07 May 2021

Winners of the Catalan round of the "Nanostories" Contest awarded

Organized within the framework of the VI Festival of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology "10alamenos9" (10totheminus9), the Catalan Nanostories Contest has now official winners, who will be able to participate in the national final round, competing with students from all over the country. Almost 100 young students took part in the contest writing some amazing and creative stories... that take place at the nanoscale.

Thursday, 04 March 2021

Second "Vermú de Nanociència” webinar series now open to subscriptions

In the framework of the “10alamenos9” Scientific Festival, the “Vermú de Nanociencia” webinar series proposes lectures on nanoscience and nanotechnology, provided by experts in the field from different worldwide institutions. We are glad to announce that subscriptions to participate are open!

Thursday, 29 April 2021

The 10alamenos9 Festival has already started!

This year's edition of the 10alamenos9 Festival (10totheminus9) is taking place between March and June 2021. Many activities are scheduled to take place in many countries such as the series of webinars "Vermú de la Nanociència", the writing contest of nanostories and a lot more educational workshops and activities.

Monday, 15 February 2021

A busy Saturday morning: closing of Crazy for Physics and UAB’s “Dissabtes de Física” festival.

Saturday 13th of February was a busy morning for the ICN2 Marketing and Communication Department. After a year of a close relation with researchers of "different centres that studies different branches of Physics, we had to say goodbye to the young students of this unusual 2020 edition of “Bojos per la Física” programme. Later on, the ICN2 communication group entered the scene into the “Dissabtes de Física event with over 200 students, where Àlex Argemí and Joana Pi-Suñer shared the importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology in our day-to-day life.