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Friday, 05 May 2023

ICN2 Joins Fundació Épica for Workshop#19 – Neurotransmitters

The primary objective of this initiative is to facilitate horizontal collaboration among science, art, and technology, equally involving researchers, creatives, and technologists. The outcome will be a large-scale collective experiment rooted in the performing arts that contributes to research, encourages critical thinking in society, and fosters reflection on plausible futures.

Wednesday, 03 May 2023

The ICN2 takes part in the Science and Engineering Business Fair of UB

This event, meant to provide students with the opportunity to know and get in touch with companies involved in activities related to their studies, has reached this year its 17th edition. The ICN2 participated to present the activities and career opportunities at our institute.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Open call for the 13th edition of INSPIRACIENCIA 2023

A new edition of the short story contest organised by the CSIC is here! Texts of a maximum of 800 words can be submitted in two different categories (young or adult), and can be in Spanish, Catalan, Galician or Basque. In this edition there is a special prize for stories about archaeology.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Current challenges of science: from research centres to the classroom

The ICN2 took part in a science education activity organised by CESIRE and oriented to high school teachers. Its aim was to introduce relevant research centres active in Catalonia to the teachers and provide them with new ideas and material to design learning experiences for their students.