Biolab facility - Access - Declaration of activities with biological agents

In accordance with the recommendations established in Royal Decree 178/2004 (Annex II), regarding the accepted international standards and the criteria used by the National Biosafety Commission, the ICN2 joined the Institutional Biosafety Committee of the UAB (IBC-UAB).

This committee offers the Institute advice and reviews facilities and activities related to the confined use, transportation, storage, destruction and / or elimination of biological agents. The IBC-UAB ensures and guarantees that these activities comply with current legal and internal regulations and records both the delivery and reception of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pathogens classified as risk group 2 or higher.

Every researcher (more concrete: the PI of the project) who intends to develop an experimental procedure that involves the use of biological agents (GMOs, microorganisms or cell lines of risk group 2 or higher, tissue or fluid samples, etc.) in the facilities of ICN2, must submit an on-line notification of proposed activities to the IBC-UAB by completing the proposal form developed by the IBC-UAB (click “Activities notification”). More information on the notification process can be found on the FAQs section of the webpage. The supervisor of the Biolab Facility will also offer support during the application process.