The OSMOMAT 030 is an automatic cryoscopic osmometer that measures the freezing point depression to determine the total osmolality of aqueous solutions.
General features
- Automatic calibration: no manual adjustment of a potentiometer is required
- No ice formation in the lower cooling system: reliable measurements even for long working periods
- Measuring time approx. one minute: valuable in case of serial measurements
- Automatic measuring: simple operation
- Minimum sample volume: 50 µl standard
- Disposable plastic measuring vessels
- Air cooling: no water supply needed, electronic wall-socket suffices
- Latest electronic engineering: microprocessor controlled, automatic determination, display and storage of the result
- The upper front panel is clearly arranged with foil keyboard and easy-to-read digital display
- Automatic error-detection: display shows clear error messages
- Compact and modular construction: permitting fast and simple servicing
Technical data
Associated Groups/Units