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Optical microscope Zeiss TELAVAL 31

The TELAVAL 31 is an inverted transmitted light microscope to carry out basic visual analysis on cell and tissue cultures in culture flasks, dishes and plates.

General features

  • Fixed Köhler lighting with a numeric aperture of 0.4 and an operating distance of 55mm
  • Bright field overview lighting for large specimen fields and for receptacle heights up to 175mm
  • Light source: halogen lamp S 5 A 6 V 25 W
  • Eyepiece: 10x
  • Objective lenses: 10x, 20x

The ICN2 also has in its Research Support Facilities the following optical microscopes that can be useful for users of the Biolab Facility:

  • Axio Observer Z1m optical microscope (ZEISS), a high resolution inverted microscope that can be used for epifluorescence, transmitted and reflected light illumination, bright field, dark field, phase contrast, differential interference contrast (DIC) etc. read more
  • Eclipse LV100DA optical microscope (Nikon), an upright microscope that can be used for reflected light illumination (brightfield, darkfield, or polarized observations) and transmitted light illumination (brightfield and polarized observation). read more


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