Nanofabrication facility - Access


To access the ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility, all users must take cleanroom operating and safety training before they are allowed in the facility. Users will also need to be trained and demonstrate proficiency on the tools they wish to use before they can operate themselves. Outside users may need to fulfill some additional requirements related to site security. Equipment time is generally scheduled through the Intranet calendar in a first-come, first-served basis. There are four simple stages in to the registrations process to become an ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility user. If you wish to engage an ICN2 Facility staff member to perform work for you, you may only need to take part in step 1&2.

The Nanofabrication Facility Lab regular working hours are from Monday till Friday from 9:00 – 18:00 hrs.

For security reasons, working outside regular hours is not allowed.

In case that it is absolutely necessary to work outside the usual hour, the following procedure has to be followed:
You should send the corresponding form signed by your group leader or supervisor by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. requesting authorization for working outside opening hours, stating the date, time and which tasks need to be carried out. Strong arguments have to be given.

Moreover users shall never work alone; a specific buddy arrangement must be made.