Nanofabrication facility - Access - Policies and forms

Policies and forms

These documents provide basic information you need for working in the Nanofabrication Facility Lab, which is part of the ICN2 Research Support Facilities. The policies and procedures described are intended to ensure your safety, protect the equipment and to create an environment to develop your work in the best conditions. Users are strongly encouraged to make suggestions on how we can more effectively meet our goals.

Working in such singular working environment requires special procedures therefore it is highly recommended to read these documents carefully. If you need help in understanding these instructions or need further information, feel free to consult the Nanofabrication Facility staff.

It is important for each user to understand that their individual commitment to these protocols and rules ultimately determines the success or failure of the facility.


The ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility access and policy requires that all academic publications arising from the use of the ICN2 subsidized facility time are required to acknowledge ICN2. Please include acknowledgements in the following form and report any new publications to the ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility manager.

Papers: Please use the following in the acknowledgement section of any papers:

This work was performed in part at the ICN2 Nanofabrication Facility”.