Nanofabrication facility - Collaborations


Nanolito Spain

Nanolito is the Spanish Network of Nanolithography. Nanolito has been financed from 2009 to 2014 by the Ministry of Science through complementary actions. For 2016 and 2017, MINECO finances the Network of Excellence in Nanolithography, with the purpose of exchanging and transferring knowledge among Spanish agents (research groups, centers and companies) in the field of nanolithography.

Since its creation, Nanolito intends to optimize the use and coordination of the scientific-technological infrastructures that exist today in Spain in the field of Nanolithography. The funding obtained is mainly devoted to holding meetings and workshops, organizing summer schools and financing short stays.


The Scientific Committee of Nanolito is formed by the following people:

  • Dr. José María De Teresa (ICMA, Zaragoza), Coordination
  • Dr. Francesc Pérez-Murano (CNM, Barcelona)
  • Dr. Clivia Sotomayor (ICN2, Barcelona)
  • Dr. Albert Romano (UB, Barcelona)
  • Dr. Ricardo García (ICMM, CSIC, Madrid)
  • Dr. José Luis Prieto (ISOM-UPM, Madrid)
  • Dr. Santos Merino (Tekniker, Basque Country)
  • Dr. José Ignacio Martín (UNIOVI, Asturias)
  • Dr. Luis Hueso (NanoGUNE, San Sebastián)
  • Dr. José Luis Vicent (UCM, Madrid)


Added functionality by introducing micro/nano structures on surfaces will have a big impact on various industrial sectors. Sustainable production as well as products can be expected by our novel manufacturing approach enhancing the performances of the targeted products by improved functionality and keeping the production cost-effective.

Key innovations in process-efficient imprinting techniques can result in an entirely new generation of devices and products when combined with high-resolution direct printing of functional materials. Recent manufacturing technologies have advanced to the stage where inexpensive replication of high performance devices and components over large area and high volume production promise to revolutionize advanced manufacturing.