Electron Microscopy Unit - Training and Booking

Training on the electron microscopy equipment is only offered to internal users that need to use the facilities in a regular basis. Please contact the relevant member of the EMU to discuss about your training needs.

After the training has been fulfilled, the user will get i) fingerprint access to the corresponding lab and ii) access to the IMS online booking system available on the ICN2 Intranet (http://ims/Web/? ; search for Electron Microscopy or EM Sample preparation schedules).

  1. Enter the booking application by entering your username and password from your ICN2 account (these are the same user and password that you use to log in into your ICN2 computer).
  2. Check availability and book the equipment you want to use. Bookings will be made in 30 minute segments. Do not sign up for more time than you think you may need.
  3. In the case of Tecnai F20 bookings, the booking will need to be approved by the EMU personnel (it will appear in Orange until it is approved)

Please do not abuse on your timing with them if you are aware that others users want to make use of them.

Comply with your schedule.

If for reasons unrelated to the Electron Microscopy unit you cannot attend the booked session, you must notify the EMU staff as early as possible at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you don’t notify the cancellation, 50% of the established fee for the booked service will be charged as a penalty.