Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra 300 (S)TEM
The Thermo Fisher Scientific Spectra 300 (S)TEM is a double-corrected transmission electron microscope, operated in either TEM or STEM mode, equipped with an ultra-high energy resolution field emission gun (X-FEG) and a monochromator (Ultimono). It is ideal for applications requiring the highest attainable spatial and energy resolution.
The Spectra 300 microscope is a joint initiative of several institutions of international prestige that have established a collaboration agreement, specifically the ICN2, CSIC (and its ICMAB-CSIC center), UAB, ALBA, with contributions also from BIST and Microsoft.
Technical specifications
- Acceleration voltages: : 60, 80, 200, 300 kV
- X-FEG UltiMono: High-brightness Schottky field emitter gun with ultra-stable monochromator and accelerating voltage.
- Double aberration S-CORR corrector: Corrects up to fifth order aberrations (A5) for all accelerating voltages with enhanced stability, thus providing sub-Angstrom imaging resolution at 60-300kV (below 50 pm in STEM mode at 300KV).
- Symmetric S-TWIN objective lens with wide-gap pole piece design of 5.4 mm
- Sample holders:
- Single tilt (± 40º)
- Low background double tilt (± 40º)
- High tilt tomography (± 75º)
- Detectors:
- On-axis and Off-axis HAADF detectors
- New ultra-low noise Panther, on-axis solid state, 8 segmented BF and ADF detectors (16 segments in total)
- Thermo Scientific Ceta™ 16M Camera
- Gatan GIF Continuum K3 energy filter for EELS and EFTEM applications (>3000 spectra per second at >95% duty cycle), with Low-noise, high dynamic range CMOS 1069.EXUP (30-300 kV) detector and the K3 electron counting direct detector (80-300 kV) for the ultimate EELS and EFTEM data quality
- Super-X windowless EDX (4 quadrant SDD EDX detection; solid angle > 0.7 srad)
- Electron microscope pixel array detector (EMPAD) for 4D-STEM
- Dose-controlled high-resolution imaging (and diffraction) with variable high tension (60-300KV)
- Chemical mapping at sub-Angstrom level with simultaneous or independent Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) detection, and Energy Filtered TEM (EFTEM).
- Chemical analysis with EDX and DualEELS with high energy resolution (0.8eV without monochromator and 0.025eV with monochromator and Ultimono)
- 3D reconstruction of structures with Electron Tomography
- Study of beam sensitive samples using Low Dose, iDPC STEM and direct electron detection cameras
Electron Microscopy Unit
Belén Ballesteros Pérez
CSIC Research Scientist and Unit Leader
belen.ballesteros(ELIMINAR) -
Bernat Mundet Bolós
Research Engineer
bernat.mundet(ELIMINAR) -
Kapil Gupta
Specialist Technician