The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 is a 200kV field emission gun (FEG) high resolution and analytical TEM/STEM. It is ideal for applications requiring high coherency, high brightness at high magnification, or small focused probes. It is a versatile and flexible microscope and combines high performance in TEM and STEM modes with ease of operation in a multi-user research environment.
Technical specifications
- Acceleration voltages: 80, 120, 200 kV
- Super Twin lens (point resolution: 0.24 nm; lattice resolution: 0.10 nm)
- Sample holders:
- single tilt (± 40º)
- low background Be double tilt (± 40º)
- and high tilt tomography (± 80º)
- STEM unit with:
- Off-axis HAADF detector
- On-axis BF/DF2/DF4 detector
- EDAX super ultra-thin window (SUTW) X-ray detector with 136 eV resolution (chemical analysis down to Be)
- Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) Quantum SE 963 fitted with a 2k x 2k CCD camera to produce energy filtered images (EFTEM), filtered diffraction patterns and EELS spectra
- Gatan 2k x 2k US1000P CCD camera for HRTEM images
- EDS and EELS spectrum imaging capabilities to produce line scans and elemental maps
- Tomography: software for TEM and STEM acquisition (Xplore3D), alignment and reconstruction (Inspect3D) and visualisation (ResolveRT)
- Low dose exposure technique
- Photomontage
- TrueImage for focal series acquisition and reconstruction
- High-resolution imaging, down to atomic scale, of the structure and morphology of samples in TEM and STEM modes up to 200kV operating voltage
- Study of the crystal structure of materials using electron diffraction
- Chemical analysis at nanometer level and chemical mapping via Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS), and Energy Filtered TEM (EFTEM)
- 3D reconstruction of structures by Electron Tomography
- Study of beam sensitive samples using Low Dose
Electron Microscopy Unit
Belén Ballesteros Pérez
CSIC Research Scientist and Unit Leader
Associated Groups/Units