Electron Microscopy Unit

Unit Leader: Belén Ballesteros

Unit Leader

Dr Belén Ballesteros earned her degree in Chemistry with Honours at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2001, before going on to obtain her PhD in 2006 at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).

During her doctoral studies, she undertook research stays at various European universities, including Universiteit Twente (Netherlands), Universitetet i Oslo (Norway), University of St Andrews (UK) and Universidad de la Laguna (Spain). In July 2006 she began postdoctoral work at the University of Oxford, where she worked in electron microscopy imaging and the nanoanalysis of carbon nanotubes, inorganic nanotubes and related materials. She has led the ICN2 Electron Microscopy Unit since April 2009.

Dr Ballesteros has authored 90 peer-reviewed articles with over 2100 citations.



  • Spin-Orbit Torques and Magnetization Switching in (Bi,Sb)2Te3/Fe3GeTe2 Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

    Guillet, Thomas; Galceran, Regina; Sierra, Juan F; Belarre, Francisco J; Ballesteros, Belen; Costache, Marius V; Dosenovic, Djordje; Okuno, Hanako; Marty, Alain; Jamet, Matthieu; Bonell, Frederic; Valenzuela, Sergio O Nano Letters; 24 (3): 822 - 828. 2024. 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03291. IF: 9.600

  • Surface two-dimensional hole gas in Si doped β-Ga2O3 thin film

    Chikoidze, Ekaterine; Leach, Jacob; Chi, Zeyu; von Bardeleben, Jurgen; Ballesteros, Belen; Goncalves, Anne-Marie; Tchelidze, Tamar; Dumont, Yves; Perez-Tomas, Amador Journal Of Alloys And Compounds; 971: 172713. 2024. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.172713. IF: 5.800


  • Lithium halide filled carbon nanocapsules: Paving the way towards lithium neutron capture therapy (LiNCT)

    Goncalves, G; Sandoval, S; Llenas, M; Ballesteros, B; Da Ros, T; Bortolussi, S; Cansolino, L; Ferrari, C; Postuma, I; Protti, N; Melle-Franco, M; Altieri, S; Tobias-Rossell, G Carbon; 208: 148 - 159. 2023. 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.03.034. IF: 10.900


  • Functionalization of filled radioactive multi-walled carbon nanocapsules by arylation reaction forin vivodelivery of radio-therapy

    Gajewska A., Wang J.T., Klippstein R., Martincic M., Pach E., Feldman R., Saccavini J.-C., Tobias G., Ballesteros B., Al-Jamal K.T., Da Ros T. Journal of Materials Chemistry B; 10 (1): 47 - 56. 2022. 10.1039/d1tb02195h. IF: 6.331

  • Rational design of MXene/activated carbon/polyoxometalate triple hybrid electrodes with enhanced capacitance for organic-electrolyte supercapacitors

    Zhu J.-J., Hemesh A., Biendicho J.J., Martinez-Soria L., Rueda-Garcia D., Morante J.R., Ballesteros B., Gomez-Romero P. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science; 623: 947 - 961. 2022. 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.04.170.

  • Role of pO2 and film microstructure on the memristive properties of La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3−δ bilayers

    Maas K., Wulles C., Caicedo Roque J.M., Ballesteros B., Lafarge V., Santiso J., Burriel M. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 10 (12): 6523 - 6530. 2022. 10.1039/d1ta10296f. IF: 12.732

  • Structural peculiarities of e-Fe2O3/GaN epitaxial layers unveiled by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and neutron reflectometry

    Suturin, Sergey M; Dvortsova, Polina A; Snigirev, Leonid A; Ukleev, Victor A; Hanashima, Takayasu; Rosado, Marcos; Ballesteros, Belen Materials Today Communications; 33: 104412. 2022. 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104412. IF: 3.662


  • Fabrication and characterization of large-area suspended MoSe2 crystals down to the monolayer

    Varghese S., Reig D.S., Mehew J.D., Block A., El Sachat A., Chávez-Ángel E., Sledzinska M., Ballesteros B., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Tielrooij K.-J. JPhys Materials; 4 (4, 046001) 2021. 10.1088/2515-7639/ac2060. IF: 0.000

  • Gadolinium-Incorporated Carbon Nanodots for T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Ji D.-K., Reina G., Liang H., Zhang D., Guo S., Ballesteros B., Ménard-Moyon C., Li J., Bianco A. ACS Applied Nano Materials; 4 (2): 1467 - 1477. 2021. 10.1021/acsanm.0c02993. IF: 5.097

  • Graphene oxide prevents lateral amygdala dysfunctional synaptic plasticity and reverts long lasting anxiety behavior in rats

    Franceschi Biagioni A., Cellot G., Pati E., Lozano N., Ballesteros B., Casani R., Coimbra N.C., Kostarelos K., Ballerini L. Biomaterials; 271 (120749) 2021. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2021.120749. IF: 12.479

  • Graphene quantum dots: From efficient preparation to safe renal excretion

    Hadad C., González-Domínguez J.M., Armelloni S., Mattinzoli D., Ikehata M., Istif A., Ostric A., Cellesi F., Alfieri C.M., Messa P., Ballesteros B., Da Ros T. Nano Research; 14 (3): 674 - 683. 2021. 10.1007/s12274-020-3096-y. IF: 8.897

  • Heat-up colloidal synthesis of shape-controlled cu-se-s nanostructures—role of precursor and surfactant reactivity and performance in n2 electroreduction

    Mourdikoudis S., Antonaropoulos G., Antonatos N., Rosado M., Storozhuk L., Takahashi M., Maenosono S., Luxa J., Sofer Z., Ballesteros B., Thanh N.T.K., Lappas A. Nanomaterials; 11 (12, 3369) 2021. 10.3390/nano11123369. IF: 5.076

  • Shedding plasma membrane vesicles induced by graphene oxide nanoflakes in brain cultured astrocytes

    Musto M., Parisse P., Pachetti M., Memo C., Di Mauro G., Ballesteros B., Lozano N., Kostarelos K., Casalis L., Ballerini L. Carbon; 176: 458 - 469. 2021. 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.01.142. IF: 9.594

  • Superelasticity preservation in dissimilar joint of NiTi shape memory alloy to biomedical PtIr

    Shamsolhodaei A., Oliveira J.P., Panton B., Ballesteros B., Schell N., Zhou Y.N. Materialia; 16 (101090) 2021. 10.1016/j.mtla.2021.101090. IF: 0.000

  • Tailoring the Architecture of Cationic Polymer Brush-Modified Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient siRNA Delivery in Cancer Immunotherapy

    Li D., Ahmed M., Khan A., Xu L., Walters A.A., Ballesteros B., Al-Jamal K.T. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; 13 (26): 30284 - 30294. 2021. 10.1021/acsami.1c02627. IF: 9.229

  • The role of temperature on the degree of end-closing and filling of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Kierkowicz M., Pach E., Fraile J., Domingo C., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. Nanomaterials; 11 (12, 3365) 2021. 10.3390/nano11123365. IF: 5.076


  • Charge transfer in steam purified arc discharge single walled carbon nanotubes filled with lutetium halides

    Santidrián A., Kierkowicz M., Pach E., Darvasiová D., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Kalbáč M. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 22 (18): 10063 - 10075. 2020. 10.1039/d0cp01408g. IF: 3.430

  • Differential properties and effects of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles towards intestinal theranostics

    Vallan L., Hernández-Ferrer J., Grasa L., González-Domínguez J.M., Martínez M.T., Ballesteros B., Urriolabeitia E.P., Ansón-Casaos A., Benito A.M., Maser W.K. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces; 185 (110612) 2020. 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.110612. IF: 4.389

  • Large thermoelectric power variations in epitaxial thin films of layered perovskite GdBaCo2O5.5±δwith a different preferred orientation and strain

    Chatterjee A., Chavez-Angel E., Ballesteros B., Caicedo J.M., Padilla-Pantoja J., Leborán V., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Rivadulla F., Santiso J. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 8 (38): 19975 - 19983. 2020. 10.1039/d0ta04781c. IF: 11.301

  • Multi-approach analysis to assess the chromium(III) immobilization by Ochrobactrum anthropi DE2010

    Villagrasa E., Ballesteros B., Obiol A., Millach L., Esteve I., Solé A. Chemosphere; 238 (124663) 2020. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124663. IF: 5.778

  • Neutron Activated 153Sm Sealed in Carbon Nanocapsules for in Vivo Imaging and Tumor Radiotherapy

    Wang J.T.-W., Klippstein R., Martincic M., Pach E., Feldman R., Šefl M., Michel Y., Asker D., Sosabowski J.K., Kalbac M., Da Ros T., Ménard-Moyon C., Bianco A., Kyriakou I., Emfietzoglou D., Saccavini J.-C., Ballesteros B., Al-Jamal K.T., Tobias G. ACS Nano; 14 (1): 129 - 141. 2020. 10.1021/acsnano.9b04898. IF: 14.588

  • Neutron-irradiated antibody-functionalised carbon nanocapsules for targeted cancer radiotherapy

    Wang J.T.-W., Spinato C., Klippstein R., Costa P.M., Martincic M., Pach E., Ruiz de Garibay A.P., Ménard-Moyon C., Feldman R., Michel Y., Šefl M., Kyriakou I., Emfietzoglou D., Saccavini J.-C., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Bianco A., Al-Jamal K.T. Carbon; 162: 410 - 422. 2020. 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.02.060. IF: 8.821

  • P-Type Ultrawide-Band-Gap Spinel ZnGa2O4: New Perspectives for Energy Electronics

    Chikoidze E., Sartel C., Madaci I., Mohamed H., Vilar C., Ballesteros B., Belarre F., Del Corro E., Vales-Castro P., Sauthier G., Li L., Jennings M., Sallet V., Dumont Y., Pérez-Tomás A. Crystal Growth and Design; 20 (4): 2535 - 2546. 2020. 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b01669. IF: 4.089


  • In vivo behaviour of glyco-NaI@SWCNT ‘nanobottles’

    De Munari S., Sandoval S., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Anthony D.C., Davis B.G. Inorganica Chimica Acta; 495 (118933) 2019. 10.1016/j.ica.2019.05.032. IF: 2.433

  • Microwave-assisted synthesis of SPION-reduced graphene oxide hybrids for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    Llenas M., Sandoval S., Costa P.M., Oró-Solé J., Lope-Piedrafita S., Ballesteros B., Al-Jamal K.T., Tobias G. Nanomaterials; 9 (10, 1364) 2019. 10.3390/nano9101364. IF: 4.034

  • Non-cytotoxic carbon nanocapsules synthesized via one-pot filling and end-closing of multi-walled carbon nanotubes

    Martincic M., Vranic S., Pach E., Sandoval S., Ballesteros B., Kostarelos K., Tobias G. Carbon; 141: 782 - 793. 2019. 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.10.006. IF: 7.466


  • An in operando study of chemical expansion and oxygen surface exchange rates in epitaxial GdBaCo2O5.5 electrodes in a solid-state electrochemical cell by time-resolved X-ray diffraction

    Chatterjee A., Caicedo J.M., Ballesteros B., Santiso J. Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 6 (26): 12430 - 12439. 2018. 10.1039/c8ta02790k. IF: 9.931

  • Comparative study of shortening and cutting strategies of single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes assessed by scanning electron microscopy

    Kierkowicz M., Pach E., Santidrián A., Sandoval S., Gonçalves G., Tobías-Rossell E., Kalbáč M., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. Carbon; 139: 922 - 932. 2018. 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.06.021. IF: 7.082

  • Determination of the length of single-walled carbon nanotubes by scanning electron microscopy

    Sandoval S., Kierkowicz M., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. MethodsX; 5: 1465 - 1472. 2018. 10.1016/j.mex.2018.11.004.

  • Encapsulation of cationic iridium(iii) tetrazole complexes into a silica matrix: Synthesis, characterization and optical properties

    Zanoni I., Fiorini V., Rosado M., Ballesteros B., Androulidaki M., Blosi M., Ortelli S., Stagni S., Dondi M., Costa A.L. New Journal of Chemistry; 42 (12): 9635 - 9644. 2018. 10.1039/c8nj01514g. IF: 3.201

  • Epoxidation of carbon nanocapsules: Decoration of single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with metal halides

    D’Accolti L., Gajewska A., Kierkowicz M., Martincic M., Nacci A., Sandoval S., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Da Ros T., Fusco C. Nanomaterials; 8 (3, 137) 2018. 10.3390/nano8030137. IF: 3.504

  • Facile synthesis of nanoparticles of the molecule-based superconductor κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 [Synthèse aisée de nanoparticules du supraconducteur moléculaire κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2]

    Cormary B., Faulmann C., de Caro D., Valade L., de Caro P., Ballesteros B., Fraxedas J. Comptes Rendus Chimie; 21 (9): 809 - 813. 2018. 10.1016/j.crci.2018.07.006. IF: 1.877

  • Optimisation of growth parameters to obtain epitaxial Y-doped BaZrO3 proton conducting thin films

    Magrasó A., Ballesteros B., Rodríguez-Lamas R., Sunding M.F., Santiso J. Solid State Ionics; 314: 9 - 16. 2018. 10.1016/j.ssi.2017.11.002. IF: 2.751

  • Protein-Corona-by-Design in 2D: A Reliable Platform to Decode Bio–Nano Interactions for the Next-Generation Quality-by-Design Nanomedicines

    Mei K.-C., Ghazaryan A., Teoh E.Z., Summers H.D., Li Y., Ballesteros B., Piasecka J., Walters A., Hider R.C., Mailänder V., Al-Jamal K.T. Advanced Materials; 30 (40, 1802732) 2018. 10.1002/adma.201802732. IF: 21.950

  • Selective Laser-Assisted Synthesis of Tubular van der Waals Heterostructures of Single-Layered PbI2 within Carbon Nanotubes Exhibiting Carrier Photogeneration

    Sandoval S., Kepić D., Pérez Del Pino Á., György E., Gómez A., Pfannmoeller M., Tendeloo G.V., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. ACS Nano; 12 (7): 6648 - 6656. 2018. 10.1021/acsnano.8b01638. IF: 13.709


  • Encapsulation of two-dimensional materials inside carbon nanotubes: Towards an enhanced synthesis of single-layered metal halides

    Sandoval S., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. Carbon; 123: 129 - 134. 2017. 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.07.031. IF: 6.337

  • Evaluation of the immunological profile of antibody-functionalized metal-filled single-walled carbon nanocapsules for targeted radiotherapy

    Perez Ruiz De Garibay A., Spinato C., Klippstein R., Bourgognon M., Martincic M., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Ménard-Moyon C., Al-Jamal K.T., Tobias G., Bianco A. Scientific Reports; 7 ( 42605) 2017. 10.1038/srep42605. IF: 4.259

  • Filling Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Lutetium Chloride: A Sustainable Production of Nanocapsules Free of Nonencapsulated Material

    Kierkowicz M., González-Domínguez J.M., Pach E., Sandoval S., Ballesteros B., Da Ros T., Tobias G. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering; 5 (3): 2501 - 2508. 2017. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02850. IF: 5.951

  • Functionalization of Polypyrrole Nanopipes with Redox-Active Polyoxometalates for High Energy Density Supercapacitors

    Dubal D.P., Ballesteros B., Mohite A.A., Gómez-Romero P. ChemSusChem; 10 (4): 731 - 737. 2017. 10.1002/cssc.201601610. IF: 7.226

  • Multi-scale analysis of the diffusion barrier layer of gadolinia-doped ceria in a solid oxide fuel cell operated in a stack for 3000 h

    Morales M., Miguel-Pérez V., Tarancón A., Slodczyk A., Torrell M., Ballesteros B., Ouweltjes J.P., Bassat J.M., Montinaro D., Morata A. Journal of Power Sources; 344: 141 - 151. 2017. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.01.109. IF: 6.395

  • Nanosecond Laser-Assisted Nitrogen Doping of Graphene Oxide Dispersions

    Kepić D., Sandoval S., Pino Á.P.D., György E., Cabana L., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. ChemPhysChem; 18 (8): 935 - 941. 2017. 10.1002/cphc.201601256. IF: 3.075

  • Raman antenna effect from exciton-phonon coupling in organic semiconducting nanobelts

    Wang M., Gong Y., Alzina F., Svoboda O., Ballesteros B., Sotomayor Torres C.M., Xiao S., Zhang Z., He J. Nanoscale; 9 (48): 19328 - 19336. 2017. 10.1039/c7nr07212k. IF: 7.367


  • Carbon nanotubes allow capture of krypton, barium and lead for multichannel biological X-ray fluorescence imaging

    Serpell C.J., Rutte R.N., Geraki K., Pach E., Martincic M., Kierkowicz M., De Munari S., Wals K., Raj R., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Anthony D.C., Davis B.G. Nature Communications; 7 ( 13118) 2016. 10.1038/ncomms13118. IF: 11.329

  • Design of antibody-functionalized carbon nanotubes filled with radioactivable metals towards a targeted anticancer therapy

    Spinato C., Perez Ruiz De Garibay A., Kierkowicz M., Pach E., Martincic M., Klippstein R., Bourgognon M., Wang J.T.-W., Ménard-Moyon C., Al-Jamal K.T., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Bianco A. Nanoscale; 8 (25): 12626 - 12638. 2016. 10.1039/c5nr07923c. IF: 7.760

  • Gadolinium-functionalised multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a T1 contrast agent for MRI cell labelling and tracking

    Servant A., Jacobs I., Bussy C., Fabbro C., Da Ros T., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Prato M., Nicolay K., Kostarelos K. Carbon; 97: 126 - 133. 2016. 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.08.051. IF: 6.198

  • Highly Dispersible and Stable Anionic Boron Cluster-Graphene Oxide Nanohybrids

    Cabrera-González J., Cabana L., Ballesteros B., Tobias G., Núñez R. Chemistry - A European Journal; 22 (15): 5096 - 5101. 2016. 10.1002/chem.201505044. IF: 5.771

  • Synthesis of dry SmCl3from Sm2O3revisited. Implications for the encapsulation of samarium compounds into carbon nanotubes

    Martincic M., Frontera C., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. Polyhedron; 116: 116 - 121. 2016. 10.1016/j.poly.2016.03.045. IF: 2.108

  • Synthesis, characterization, and thermoelectric properties of superconducting (BEDT-TTF)2I3 nanoparticles

    Chtioui-Gay I., Faulmann C., De Caro D., Jacob K., Valade L., De Caro P., Fraxedas J., Ballesteros B., Steven E., Choi E.S., Lee M., Benjamin S.M., Yvenou E., Simonato J.-P., Carella A. Journal of Materials Chemistry C; 4 (31): 7449 - 7454. 2016. 10.1039/c6tc01378c. IF: 5.066


  • Cationic Liposome- Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Hybrids for Dual siPLK1 and Doxorubicin Delivery in Vitro

    Pereira S., Lee J., Rubio N., Hassan H.A.F.M., Suffian I.B.M., Wang J.T.W., Klippstein R., Ballesteros B., Al-Jamal W.T., Al-Jamal K.T. Pharmaceutical Research; 32 (10): 3293 - 3308. 2015. 10.1007/s11095-015-1707-1. IF: 3.420

  • Quantitative monitoring of the removal of non-encapsulated material external to filled carbon nanotube samples

    Martincic M., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Tobias G. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 17 (47): 31662 - 31669. 2015. 10.1039/c5cp04664e. IF: 4.493

  • Spin density wave and superconducting properties of nanoparticle organic conductor assemblies

    Winter L.E., Steven E., Brooks J.S., Benjamin S., Park J.-H., De Caro D., Faulmann C., Valade L., Jacob K., Chtioui I., Ballesteros B., Fraxedas J. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 91 (3, 035437) 2015. 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.035437. IF: 3.736

  • The interaction of carbon nanotubes with an in vitro blood-brain barrier model and mouse brain in vivo

    Kafa H., Wang J.T.W., Rubio N., Venner K., Anderson G., Pach E., Ballesteros B., Preston J.E., Abbott N.J., Al-Jamal K.T. Biomaterials; 53: 437 - 452. 2015. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.02.083. IF: 8.557

  • Vertically Aligned ZnO/Inx S y Core-Shell Nanorods for High Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

    Gonzalez-Valls I., Ballesteros B., Lira-Cantu M. Nano; 10 (7, 1550103) 2015. 10.1142/S1793292015501039. IF: 1.090


  • Covalent functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a gadolinium chelate for efficient T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging

    Marangon, I.; Ménard-Moyon, C.; Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J.; Béoutis, M.L.; Lartigue, L.; Alloyeau, D.; Pach, E.; Ballesteros, B.; Autret, G.; Ninjbadgar, T.; Brougham, D.F.; Bianco, A.; Gazeau, F. Advanced Functional Materials; 24 (45): 7173 - 7186. 2014. 10.1002/adfm.201402234. IF: 10.439

  • Fieldlike and antidamping spin-orbit torques in as-grown and annealed Ta/CoFeB/MgO layers

    Avci, C.O.; Garello, K.; Nistor, C.; Godey, S.; Ballesteros, B.; Mugarza, A.; Barla, A.; Valvidares, M.; Pellegrin, E.; Ghosh, A.; Miron, I.M.; Boulle, O.; Auffret, S.; Gaudin, G.; Gambardella, P. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 89: 21 - 214419. 2014. 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.214419. IF: 3.664

  • Four Molecular Superconductors Isolated as Nanoparticles

    de Caro, D; Faulmann, C; Valade, L; Jacob, K; Chtioui, I; Foulal, S; de Caro, P; Bergez-Lacoste, M; Fraxedas, J; Ballesteros, B; Brooks, J.S.; Steven, E; Winter, L.E. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; 2014 (24): 4010 - 4016. 2014. 10.1002/ejic.201402007. IF: 2.965

  • Production of water-soluble few-layer graphene mesosheets by dry milling with hydrophobic drug

    Rubio, N.; Serra-Maia, R.; Kafa, H.; Mei, K.-C.; Al-Jamal, K.T.; Luckhurst, W.; Zloh, M.; Festy, F.; Richardson, J.P.; Naglik, J.R.; Pach, E.; Ballesteros, B. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids; 30 (49): 14999 - 15008. 2014. 10.1021/la5038475. IF: 4.384

  • Synthesis of PbI2 single-layered inorganic nanotubes encapsulated within carbon nanotubes

    Cabana, L.; Ballesteros, B.; Batista, E.; Magén, C.; Arenal, R.; Orõ-Solé, J.; Rurali, R.; Tobias, G. Advanced Materials; 26 (13): 2016 - 2021. 2014. 10.1002/adma.201305169. IF: 15.409

  • Ultraviolet pulsed laser irradiation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in nitrogen atmosphere

    Pérez Del Pino, Á.; György, E.; Cabana, L.; Ballesteros, B.; Tobias, G. Journal of Applied Physics; 2014. 10.1063/1.4864776. IF: 2.185


  • Effect of laser radiation on multi-wall carbon nanotubes: Study of shell structure and immobilization process

    György, E.; Pérez Del Pino, A.; Roqueta, J.; Ballesteros, B.; Cabana, L.; Tobias, G. Journal of Nanoparticle Research; 15 2013. 10.1007/s11051-013-1852-6. IF: 2.175

  • Fractal porosity in metals synthesized by a simple combustion reaction

    Gómez-Romero, P.; Fraile, J.; Ballesteros, B. RSC Advances; 3: 2351 - 2354. 2013. 10.1039/c2ra22441k. IF: 2.562

  • Magnetization reversal behaviour of planar nanowire arrays of Fe

    Arora, S.K.; ODowd, B.J.; Thakur, P.; Brookes, N.B.; Ballesteros, B.; Gambardella, P.; Shvets, I.V. Current Nanoscience; 9 (5): 609 - 614. 2013. 10.2174/15734137113099990069. IF: 1.356

  • Observation of out-of-plane unidirectional anisotropy in MgO-capped planar nanowire arrays of Fe

    Arora, S.K.; ODowd, B.J.; Polishchuk, D.M.; Tovstolytkin, A.I.; Thakur, P.; Brookes, N.B.; Ballesteros, B.; Gambardella, P.; Shvets, I.V. Journal of Applied Physics; 114 (13) 2013. 10.1063/1.4823514. IF: 2.210


  • Deposition of functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes through matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation

    Pérez Del Pino, Á.; György, E.; Cabana, L.; Ballesteros, B.; Tobias, G. Carbon; 50: 4450 - 4458. 2012. 10.1016/j.carbon.2012.05.023.

  • Magnetic properties of planar nanowire arrays of Co fabricated on oxidized step-bunched silicon templates

    Arora, S.K. ; O'Dowd, B.J.; Ballesteros, B.; Gambardella, P. ; Shvets, I.V. Nanotechnology; 23: 235702. 2012. .

  • Structural and magnetic properties of planar nanowire arrays of Co grown on oxidized vicinal silicon (111) templates

    Arora, S.K.; O'Dowd, B.J.; Nistor, C.; Balashov, T.; Ballesteros, B. ; Lodi Rizzini, A.; Kavich, J.J.; Dhesi, S.S.; Gambardella, P. ; Shvets, I.V. Journal of Applied Physics; 111: 07E342. 2012. .

  • Synthesis and characterization of CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots immobilized on solid substrates through laser irradiation

    György, E.; Pérez Del Pino, A.; Roqueta, J.; Ballesteros, B.; Miguel, A.S.; Maycock, C.; Oliva, A.G. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials; 209: 2201 - 2207. 2012. 10.1002/pssa.201127749.


  • Heteroepitaxial orientation control of YSZ thin films by selective growth on SrO-, TiO2-terminated SrTiO3 crystal surfaces

    Cavallaro, A.; Ballesteros, B.; Bachelet, R.; Santiso, J. CrystEngComm; 13: 1625 - 1631. 2011. 10.1039/c0ce00606h.

  • One-dimensional composites based on single walled carbon nanotubes and poly(o-phenylenediamine)

    Baibarac, M.; Baltog, I.; Scocioreanu, M.; Ballesteros, B.; Mevellec, J.Y.; Lefrant, S. Synthetic Metals; 161: 2344 - 2354. 2011. 10.1016/j.synthmet.2011.09.001.

  • Orbital moment anisotropy of Pt/Co/AlOx heterostructures with strong Rashba interaction

    Nistor, C.; Balashov, T. ; Kavich, J. J.; Lodi Rizzini, A. ; Ballesteros, B. ; Gaudin, G. ; Auffret, S.; Rodmacq, B.; Dhesi, S.S.; Gambardella, P. Physical Review B; 2011. .

  • Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells | Pilas de combustible de membrana polimérica

    Asensio, J.A.; Peña, J.; Pérez-Coll, D.; Ruiz-Morales, J.C.; Marrero-Lopez, D.; Nuñez, P.; Ballesteros, B.; Canales-Vazquez, J.; Borrós, S.; Gómez-Romero, P. Afinidad; 68: 246 - 258. 2011. .

  • Sidewall functionalisation of carbon nanotubes by addition of diarylcarbene derivatives

    Luksirikul, P.; Ballesteros, B.; Tobias, G.; Moloney, M.G.; Green, M.L.H. Journal of Materials Chemistry; 21: 19080 - 19085. 2011. 10.1039/c1jm13783b.

  • Synthesis and laser immobilization onto solid substrates of CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots

    György, E.; Pino, A.P.D.; Roqueta, J.; Ballesteros, B.; Miguel, A.S.; Maycock, C.D.; Oliva, A.G. Journal of Physical Chemistry C; 115: 15210 - 15216. 2011. 10.1021/jp203051b.

  • Synthesis and stabilization of subnanometric gold oxide nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes and their catalytic activity

    Alves, L.; Ballesteros, B.; Boronat, M.; Cabrero-Antonino, J.R.; Concepción, P.; Corma, A.; Correa-Duarte, M.A.; Mendoza, E. Journal of the American Chemical Society; 133: 10251 - 10261. 2011. 10.1021/ja202862k.

  • Synthesis conditions, light intensity and temperature effect on the performance of ZnO nanorods-based dye sensitized solar cells

    Gonzalez-Valls, I.; Yu, Y.; Ballesteros, B.; Oro, J.; Lira-Cantu, M. Journal of Power Sources; 196: 6609 - 6621. 2011. 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.03.063.

  • Zinc oxide/carboxylic acid lamellar structures

    Segovia, M.; Lemus, K.; Moreno, M.; Ana, M.A.S.; González, G.; Ballesteros, B.; Sotomayor, C.; Benavente, E. Materials Research Bulletin; 46: 2191 - 2195. 2011. 10.1016/j.materresbull.2011.06.040.


  • Carbon nanocapsules: Blocking materials inside carbon nanotubes

    Tobias, G.; Ballesteros, B.; Green, M.L.H. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics; 7: 2739 - 2742. 2010. 10.1002/pssc.200983823.

  • Filled and glycosylated carbon nanotubes for in vivo radioemitter localization and imaging

    You Hong, S.; Tobias, G.; Al-Jamal, K.T.; Ballesteros, B.; Ali-Boucetta, H.; Lozano-Perez, S.; Nellist, P.D.; Sim, R.B.; Finucane, C.; Mather, S.J.; Green, M.L.H.; Kostarelos, K.; Davis, B.G. Nature Materials; 2010. .

  • pH-triggered release of materials from single-walled carbon nanotubes using dimethylamino-functionalized fullerenes as removable "corks"

    Luksirikul, P.; Ballesteros, B.; Tobias, G.; Moloney, M.G.; Green, M.L.H. Carbon; 48: 1912 - 1917. 2010. 10.1016/j.carbon.2010.01.053.


  • Steam purification for the removal of graphitic shells coating catalytic particles and the shortening of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    B. Ballesteros; G. Tobias; L. Shao; E. Pellicer; E. Mendoza; M.L.H. Green Small; 4: 1501 - 1506. 2009. 10.1002/smll.200701283.


  • Ionic and electronic conductivity of 5% Ca-Doped GdNbO4

    Haugsrud, R.; Ballesteros, B.; Lira-Cantú, M.; Norby, T. Journal of the Electrochemical Society; 153: J87 - J90. 2006. 10.1149/1.2203933.